A week after I send VMM a mail with the question to receive a file with the
coordinates of their monitoring stations, I received an answer. They
pointed me to the 2011 year report that contains all monitoring stations.
It's a PDF-file.

So far I have copied all the data from the PDF-file into a spreadsheet. In
the spreadsheet I added the URL, source references, and other tags needed
in OSM (.e.g man_made = monitoring_station)
I exported the file as CSV file (replaced the comma's with semi-colons) and
imported the data into JOSM via the OpenData plugin. That plugin also
converted the Lambert 1972 coordinates that VMM uses.

I'm now in the process of reviewing the data in JOSM and uploading the
stations one by one.
I did 5 or so this morning, e.g. the one on the Graankaai in Roeselare.
that mapnik does not render them. You have to open your editor on the
area. They will be rendered on openlinkmap (tomorrow I expect, that site is
updated at midnight).

Since at least the monitoring station in Boom is missing in the 2011
report, I'll do a check afterwards for new stations and will add them
manually based on their website data.

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