On 2013-07-25 21:29, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 10:16:14AM +0200, Teddy wrote:
2013/7/24 Kurt Roeckx <k...@roeckx.be>


Hello Kurt,
No, there are 3 numbers for the offset, in the tag "fire_hydrant:position"
On the signs there are only ever 2 of those numbers.  Either you
one to the left or one to the right.  Never both.

Anyway, I see no point in mapping that a sign says the hydrant
that much away from the sign.  Those numbers are their for people
who are looking for the hydrant to find by saying about where they
should look.  In my expieriences they're also not very accurate.

It would make sense with hidden ones and a smartphone application to find them using OSM data. If you know what to look for _and_ where, you are all set.

But in the end it doesn't matter, I really didn't forsee that by copying a key from the severly micromapped Rossleben a discussion of this kind would erupt. In the end, it's probably bad tagging, values like that deserve their own keys. But the same thing can be said about a tree, why would you map a tree? only reason I know is to make it a landmark. I do this sometimes as this can help recognizing distinct areas.

Sometimes the application of those things is beyond our imagination. Things like this emerge nowadays : http://eprints.nuim.ie/2482/1/Ciepluch-et-al-ACM-GIS-CamerReady1.pdf Using OSM data to determine location without GPS, just by using vector data. I can imagine an application (google glasses ?) that could do wicked things using this.

But in the end, it's only a sign. But it would be not against OSM spirit, e.g. To map what is there in the real world. Mapping the hydrant is much more important. Eventually the lat/lon on that, if precise enough is exactly the location, so in essence, we would be using a different positioning system in an existing one.

So , eventually it's not all that important to do, and I would not have a problem to drop those from the ones I made.


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