On 2013-07-31 15:56, Joren wrote:
Thanks for the fast replies.

Following the wiki:

"The is_in tag pre-dates boundary polygons. When a region has a well developed set of boundary polygons the information that could be placed in the is_in tag on an object can usually be derived from the boundaries that contain it. In this case, the information in the tag is redundant. Some contributors even go as far as to delete this tag when they see it as equivalent to the boundary information.

The tag still can contain important information when boundaries aren't fully developed. Even if the information is redundant, it permits simpler searching and easy disambiguation between two similarly named objects (without having to do extensive calculations to calculate all the containing boundaries)."

1. Are our boundaries well developed in Flanders/Belgium?
2. Is the latter still true (related to the extensive calculations/routing/...)?

I believe you will find back only 1 results when searching for the right keywords = "mechelen, belgie" / "lier, belgie", the administrative set. Nothing from the is_in tag seems to be considered at first sight trying to search for those exact words.

If we don't need it anymore, why keeping this tags?
Looks to me quite related to the mapping/discussion of 'AssociatedStreet' and 'addr:xxxx'-tags. Not tag every single house with all addr:-tags but create a relation that contains these tags. I agree with the fact 'keep the exisiting ones as they are', but is it applicable in this case to?
I don't think it's the same, the removing of is_in implications are thought to be small, but if you start removing addr: tags, there will be more than a few apps that will suffer. I would leave those a lone for now.

I'm no expert on geotagging/database management/... and am studying Industrial Engineer. One of the key principles in an organisation is: Remove everything you don't need from the 'work area' (OSM in this example). It waste time/resources/... (see 'Lean', http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lean). Not to say we have to move toward a full Lean OSM :), but if we really don't need it anymore -> kill it.

It's great if you want to do this 1 by one, but consider an overpass query at http://overpass-turbo.eu/

You would be better to (don't zoom too far out ...) export to josm, and do them all at once, no need to waste time on it per node discussion. But the act of destroying them will take far less time that checking and making sure that by dropping those we do good work.

<!-- This query looks for is_in nodes -->
<osm-script output="xml">
  <query type="{{type}}">
    <has-kv k="{{key}}"/>
    <bbox-query {{bbox}}/>
  <print mode="meta"/>
  <recurse type="down"/>
  <print mode="meta"/>

Quite a few around I'd say .... So that makes me reconsider the above, there seems to be a lot more info in some subkeys as well. I would prefer just FIXING the wrong ones instead, less work and less impact overall. The overpass results show you clearly what is around.


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