On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 2:39 AM, André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  On 2013-09-20 15:55, Marc Gemis wrote :
> I welcomed a new user, expecting that it was related to the Kreatos
> hairdressers company:
>  their reply:
>  Dank voor de informatie.
> Weet u een manier om (meerdere) nodes (in één keer) te uploaden naar
> OpenStreetMap? Bij Google is dit via Google Places, met een XLS of XML
> file.
> Heb hiervoor gezocht op de website van OpenStreetMap, maar ik raak er niet
> meteen wijs uit?
> De informatie zou uit en MySQL database komen, dus een api met
> rechtstreekse import/sync mogelijkheid hiervoor zou natuurlijk nog beter
> zijn…
>  ---
>  How do I proceed ? Show them the OSM Api v0.6 ? + policy page ? Josm
> upload ? Ask them the file and do the upload myself + verification of
> individual points ?
>  I was also wondering this week whether we could contact companies to ask
> them to share their shops or fuel stations. What do you think about that ?
>  regards
>  m
> Hi Marc,
> I would create a single sample shop node in a new JOSM layer and save it
> to an *.osm file.
> A shop looks like this:
>   <node id='-108978' action='modify' visible='true' lat='50. ...' lon='5.
> ...'>
>     <tag k='name' v='Name of the shop' />
>     <tag k='shop' v='bakery' />
>   </node>
> Then I would
>     - either edit that file, replicate the node and change whatever must
>       be changed
>       - or run a perl regexp command to transform another file to that
>       format
>    - reload the result in JOSM
>    - maybe check that everything is OK (esp. in the right place) or let
>    them do that later
>    - update OSM
>    - save the *.osm file again
> It can also be done with waypoints in a GPX file, but I know no GPX
> extension to add OSM tags.
> Notes:
>    - the IDs can be any negative number but must be different
>    - it's important to "save the *.osm file again": it will contain the
>    real IDs and it can help to make later mass updates
> If the problem is regexp, I can (most probably ;-) do it for you, but I'll
> have to find how to generate the ID.
> Send node sample and parseable flat text file (like csv).
> Cheers,
>   André

André, thanks for your input. This is the method I use to convert the pages
of Onroerend Erfgoed of Wikipedia into an OSM file using Python. All items
of 1 page end up in 1 osm file.  I copy them 1-by-1 from that layer into
the data layer, I use 2 layers in JOSM. On the data layer I merge them with
the existing data (typically using CTRL-SHIFT-g with existing building
outlines and some minor tweaks to the tags). Then I go back to the imported
layer, delete the node and move on to the next. I delete the node in the
imported layer to keep track of what I did. This is needed for larger towns
where there more than a few protected items.

I have a similar script that converts my GPX waypoints into an .osm file,
but I'm not sure that using that file is much faster than using the regular
JOSM tools.

I also used the csv method before, for the monitoring stations of the
Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij. I think this method is easier for them, since
the generation of a csv file from a database requires less programming than
generating a .osm file. But I could have mentioned the method via direct
osm-file generation as well.


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