
If everybody agrees we can make this 'official'. Before we do this I would
like to give everybody another chance to voice opinions/concerns again
about this.

Basically this is what is going to happen:

- OSM Belgium is NOT going to create a seperate VZW/ASBL but will work
under the Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium (OKFN Belgium) umbrella.
- OSM Belgium will be represented by Ben Abelshausen. (If there are other
candidates please let the list know we can organize a vote, I don't want to
do this if our community does not agree)

This does NOT exclude us in the future of:

- Still becoming a VZW/ASBL for whatever reason.
- Becoming a local chapter of OSMF.

I think this is a good step forward no?
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best regards,

Ben Abelshausen
Talk-be mailing list

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