On Thu, Nov 07, 2013 at 05:00:51PM +0100, André Pirard wrote:
>     I was just writing a few days ago that, as the law says that the law
>     cannot be copyrighted, there can be no copyright for boundaries, as
>     well as for traffic signs.  Shouldn't the boundary maps normally be
>     found in the Moniteur together with this kind of announcement?<br>

I'm pretty sure it will be published with coordinates.  There are
existing laws with coordinates in them, at least for borders
between municipalities.  But it's hard to find them all since only
the recent changes are made available digitally.

>     I wonder what happens when the river or stream used as a borderline
>     by OSM changes its course by itself.

There are defentily cases where the border is the historic path
of a river, and either the river changed by itself or man altered
it's path but that the border stayed.

But it's not only rivers.  Roads are often also the border and
might later be widened, straighten out and so on.

You can do 2 things when currently mapping them and you don't have
official coordinates:
- Re-use the existing nodes, nodes end up in 2 ways
- Use other points for them, they don't share nodes

In the first case you of course need to be careful when moving
such a node.  But we might not know better where the border really
is so it's often easier to map re-use the nodes.


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