That is great news! Now I'm wondering, of course... I'm pretty sure it
contains aerial imagery. Does it contain other data as well? Like
streetnames, house numbers and the like and do we have permission to use
that information in OSM?



2013/11/27 Julien Fastré <>

> Hi,
> I just received an email this morning from SPW (Service Public de
> Wallonie) : all the WMS should be accessible in 3857 within few weeks
> (before the end of the year).
> We discussed previously about serving tiles in Lambert 72: is this
> something we still need ? Ben, is there any opening from AGIV to serve data
> in EPSG:3857 / 900913 ?
> By Champs Libres, we are still ready to provide help for something the
> community really need :-)
> Yours,
> Julien Fastré
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