On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Julien Fastré <jul...@fastre.info> wrote:

> This is not a litteral translation. I allowed myself to adapt the language
> into the French way :-) of writing... I think the ideas are'nt too much
> changed, and it sounds better in French.


Thanks! Not problem to change the wording... :-)

Not sure when I will find the time to put them online. I'm really
struggling with the translation functionality in drupal, anyone with more
insight/experience, help is wanted! I have two masters degrees in computer
science but I can't get my head around the logic behind the horrible drupal
translation support mess! (frustration speaking here)

Using the built-in language switcher does not switch the language on an
article. It just show a language switcher per article and keeps dutch when
french and a switch per article (why?).

Anyway will search drupal forums (also a mess) to find some more
information and to get this working.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best regards,

Ben Abelshausen
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