I am game! While I was doing them around Leuven, I found the Improve Way
Accuracy mode very useful. It takes a bit of getting used to.


2013/12/9 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>

> Is there somebody interested in a Google Hangout on using "De Atlas der
> Buurtwegen", as found on e.g. http://www.gisoost.be/atlasbw/  ?
> It can be used to create the boundaries of the deelgemeentes. (admin level
> 9)
> West-Vlaanderen seems to be complete. I did a bit in Antwerpen Province in
> order to get all postal_code zones. But maybe a few more are needed. I just
> started with Oost-Vlaanderen, but there is still some work to do.
> If there are candidates, the hangout will go on this Friday-evening at 8pm
> I'll be using JOSM + PicLayer plugin to align the image from the "Atlas
> der Buurtwegen".
> regards
> m.
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