On 2014-02-03 16:34, Julien Fastré wrote :
> In August 2013, I was planning about offering a WMS [1]
> ...
> [1] with EPSG:3857 and 4326 for André Pirard :-))))))))
And for all  who need them to be able to use JOSM, Openlayers, ... the
same ways as with AGIV, URBIS, ... :-))))))))
Especially Julien Fastré to whom I explained that the reason why he was
trying in vain to use JOSM with the SPW servers is that those servers
lack these EPSGs :-))))))))))))))))
And I showed him that his server supports 4326 et al. despite his belief
they did not ;-)))
And unfortunately, users in that situation got accustomed to other
methods than JOSM, with all bad consequences, and they probably stay
with them and not change their habits to move to JOSM. That's the worst
misdeed :-((((((((((((((((



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