On 2014-01-17 13:22, Julien Fastré wrote :

Le 16/01/14 21:12, André Pirard a écrit :
On 2014-01-16 17:44, Julien Fastré wrote :

I am contacted with the Cabinet of Philippe Henry, in charge of
geography in Wallonia.

They would like to have the opinion of the contributors about the "plan
stratégique de la géomatique".

They need someone to talk. This person should be in Wallonia and there
should be an agreement to talk with him.

If you would agree, I propose myself to go on with those talks, until we
have a more organised organisation (under the umbrella of OKFN).

Do you agree that I go to discuss with them, summarize the plan, pro and
cons, and give them back an advice from OSM contributors ?

Don't forget that, in addition to legality, we technically need WMS + EPSG 4326,3857,900913, ....
These EPSGs were missing from the [PICC] cartopro2 WMS server that they have removed.
You told us that the SPW said that they would add the EPSGs by the end of the year.
I've just read that the new Arcgis REST system they use serves all EPSGs already.
And I could verify that (with a bit of surprise).
But now, where is the WMS?   It sounds like just an Arcgis  wms=yes  configuration tag to add :-)
Could that be recalled "to-morrow"?  Or the day after?
I'd be most happy to stop recalling that myself after 5 years ;-)




I think EPSG 4326 and 3857 are now available on all webservices, since beginning of December :
¿¿¿¿¿ Where have you seen that, Julien ?????
AFAICS there have been absolutely no changes with SPW servers in December !!!!! ;-)))))
The PPNC server still exhibits the 4326 bug.
The ESRI server too. Additionally all its layers I tested have been removed (error message instead of data).
The PICC server probably too.  But it's difficult to tell because it no longer responds since about 6 months.
Details below.
You may browse webservices from here : http://geoservices.wallonie.be/arcgis/rest/services
I have been spying on that server for some time.  I discovered it by pure chance.
That's an Arcgis server with, as you can see, Supported Interfaces:  REST SOAP Sitemap Geo Sitemap
Let's call it Arcgis as I don't see any name for it.
AFAICS, it could be configured with an additional WMS service but it is not.
Hence, it does not work with JOSM et al.
It seems really hard to understand that JOSM et al. need WMS + EPSG 4326 et al. !!! ;-)))))))
Those who do not understand, please look here.
Or will you explain your JOSM et al. configuration to display (but not copy (yet)) SPW?

In short, the PICC server used to be displayable (but not copyable (yet)) only by those who could afford a re-projecting proxy on their system and I had recommended to ask SPW to support 4326 et al. in PICC for those who cannot. Did you ask? Was the SPW reply stopping that server?

Presently, the SPW has removed all its services that were usable.   Not quite what you say ;-)))))

Another reason for asking is, as you probably know, that PICC is of much much much better quality than new Arcgis.
For example, PICC shows not only multiple tracks of a railway line, but even each rail of each track, catenary gantries and many such details. AFAICS, Arcgis shows only a rough trace per line and, for example, the Kinkempois yard (a huge "gare de triage") is completely empty (even the line and the station) and the tracks and platforms of the Guillemins station are totally missing, let alone speaking of the railway track that goes across the streets and through the houses.
The same holds for the streets and most features etc, I won't dive into more details.
PICC is really beyond compare with Arcgis.

And as I noticed in one of your reports that SPW spoke of the PICC server as of outdated valueless data (which is probably why it's stopped), I suggested to ask SPW if they would allow us to copy that valueless data.  That would be tremendous for us to be able to locate features precisely instead of approximately and never come back to improve the precision.
I suppose it was asked.  Is the SPW answer really closing PICC without notice?

So, in short, the requests are:
since 5 years: correct the 4326 bug
new: keep the PICC server running
let us copy its old data
configure WMS to Arcgis (and make a new WMS announcement page)

Thanks in advance,



More details...

Let us recall that the SPW WMS announcement is here.  It explains the benefits of WMS etc.  It is now overlaid with a text forbidding to talk about the old WMS services (excuse me) but still letting use them.
That overlay redirects to a replacement page that ... contains no WMS at all !!!  There is a gorgeous sentence "- Si vous ne trouvez pas sur le Géoportail de la Wallonie [Arcgis] un contenu que vous aviez l’habitude de trouver sur l’ancien portail, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter."  There is no hidden camera.

That page consists mainly of 3 servers whose URLs are incorrect and not even links, better click here:
PPNC : orthophotos
PICC : the interesting geographic data
ESRI: other interesting geographic data

All those servers are in principle free to use (<Fees></Fees><AccessConstraints></AccessConstraints>, Several people wrote to the SPW 5 years ago to confirm that: no reply.
But you came back from the SPW saying repeatedly that using these servers is pirating, including the only remaining PPNC photos that is at least 15 years old, probably 20 and maybe 25.
Whatever their age, the PICC data was very useful to non pirates to be used as intended by SPW : looked at in JOSM to compare other maps (but not copy them (yet)).

But I wrote to SPW 5 years ago that their capabilities indicated EPSG 4326 but that it did not work (a bug) and there was no reply.  Hence, the SPW servers have been so far unusable with JOSM simply.

The SPW server evolution is as follows:
PICC: simple case: that very interesting server no longer responded for more than 6 months.
ESRI: simple case too: it no longer contains the layers that its Capabilities indicate.
PPNC: only that forbidden 20 yo photos server remains.

Here can you find :
from : http://geoservices.wallonie.be/arcgis/services/IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2012_2013/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS (capabilities of ORTHO 2012)
That's a new server to me.  WMS + 4326 et al. indeed.
That's the only one usable, but that's only photos.
Free to use: <Fees></Fees><AccessConstraints></AccessConstraints>
Where is the announcement page (maybe saying that we cannot copy (yet))?

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