On 2014-03-08 09:30, uss...@gmail.com wrote :
I'm still testing a few things, a.o. osmtracker. first headache was the gps innacuracy. I am using a Samsung S2, and yesterday osmtracker gave me a 40-50m accuracy, my first tracks looked like my 3 years old drawing lines. 
Smart phones GPS are said to be less accurate than those of dedicated GPS devices.
But I wonder if it's a chip or antenna problem. I noticed that the signal strength increases if the phone is put on a metal plate.
The precision depends on the number and angle of satellites that are "fixed" and should be the same for all applications.
It varies according to being inside a building vs in open air, to the thickness of the cloud cover, TOD and maybe other factors.
It can be observed with applications: "GPS Status and Toolbox" and (not tried) "GPS Test" and "inViu GPS-details".
To shorten startup time, be sure to have correct AGPS settings as well as EPO if applicable.
With a MTK6577, I can get 40-50 m too after fix but, later and in good conditions, 10 m and even 5m.
inViu have a tracker too. You might want to check it.
Funny thing is that both google maps and osmand could show my location with much more precision !?
You don't say how you measure accuracy in the various cases.
I wonder if the accuracy that osmtracker reports in each GPX waypoint isn't different from that of GPS Status.
searching for some web solutions, funny enough, unchecking the 'use sensor aiding' helped a lot. I'm getting 5-20m now. Is that the best I should expect or am I missing some additional tweaking?
I can't find 'use sensor aiding'.
As it seems, osmtracker is a standard in the field, I was wondering if there is a custom belgian xml file available for the buttons presets ?

Not that I know of.
I found an important usability issue and I have sent them a bug report.
What do you think about it?
They don't seem very responsive.



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