I was looking on some OSM based maps for a precise location of a castle but I couldn't find it.
I checked another one that couldn't be found either.
Both are the type of castles surrounded by water but the map only shows the water not the building in the middle.
Annexes as sheds in the neighbourhood are visible on the map.

Kasteel Vogelzang
https://inventaris.onroerenderfgoed.be/dibe/relict/22508 <http://geschichtskarten.openstreetmap.de/historische_objekte/translate/nl/index-nl.html?zoom=18&lat=51.3265&lon=4.94405&layers=B0000FFTT> http://geschichtskarten.openstreetmap.de/historische_objekte/translate/nl/index-nl.html?zoom=18&lat=51.3265&lon=4.94405&layers=B0000FFTT <http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/51.00764/5.32171>

Kasteel Schoonbeek

I checked the editor and found that both castles are tagged according to the Wiki ' How to a”:
   – historic = castle
   – name = xxxx

The annexes visible on the map or tagged as: building=yes.

The conclusion is that it is necessary to add a building tag as 'building = residential' if it is still lived in or another denomination according to the actual use of it.

Are there any arguments against a change of the wiki accordingly or is there another solution?


Erik Beerten

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