Did you look at this page already?

But note that not all tags translate to signs directly. F.e. the maxspeed
tag might be there because of an explicit sign, or because of the "bebouwde
kom". Next to that, maxspeed is tagged on way segments, while the signs are
placed at the beginning of the way, and at crossings. This example of
maxspeed holds for a lot of other signs.


2014-12-20 15:33 GMT+01:00 Jakka <vdmfrank...@gmail.com>:

> Is there a demand for "Belgian_road_sign_" in .png or .???  for use in osm
> plug-ins. Like road-sign restriction relations selector or place them near
> the highway as node icon (like give_way, stop) for better overview in a
> second layer, ???
> Before I start to contribute, like to know if someone already did the job
> so no in witch proportion you want them and what extension ?
> Can java (josm) scale the sign while rendering ? exits there a program for
> easily scaling and still keep the proportions?
> --
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Jakka
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