e dimanche 08 février 2015 à 10:01 +0100, Ben Abelshausen a écrit :


> I have a new idea to get some funding for OpenStreetMap-Belgium. 
> Our biggest problem is that we have no budget to organize anything at
> the moment (I'm funding most things out of my own pocket still except
> part of the missing maps party). 
this is not normal imho
> This idea may also grow into an actual business based on OSM later.

> Anyway, I'm just asking here for some people who are willing to
> either:
> - Do some scripting/programming with the purpose of quality checks in
> OSM. This can be complex stuff like public transit route relations,
> bicyle route networks, addressing but also more simple stuff like
> basic POI information.

this is very interesting. I think we should try to make as much possible
to improve the quality of OSM in Be. If the quality is good, we'll have
more possibilities to advertise osm with respect to the other maps
(google, bing, tomtom ...) and we'll have more opportunities to sell
services on osm to communes and private companies. THis will help a
positive circle.
> - Write messages to fellow mappers (with another useraccount, not your
> own) to help them after they make mistakes or help them to map better
> in the future. 
> You would actually get paid for this if I find customers. I'm pretty
> sure I will. If you are maybe willing to help out let me know.

I am interested to help find people who can help. Eg some of my
students, and get paid for such a work. I won't have the time to
contribute and help personnally, other than doing some relationship.

> The details of the plans are a bit fuzzy at the moment. I'm just
> trying to get an idea of the one thing always limiting me, people
> willing to join in.

Some of my students (at Ecole supérieure d'informatique) are looking for
paid jobs. Either they go in Delhaize, Carrefour and do some silly jobs
paid 10 €/hour or they help us in OSM, increase their work habilities
and do something that I find more interesting. I would like to help them
working for OSM.

I have some other ideas too : I want to "sell" to Belgium and Vlaanderen
that helping financially to build a good and precise openseamap with
precise crowdsourced bathymetry would help develop the tourism on our
coast. My idea is to have the institutions help us organize mapping
parties on the sea, (that is sail, which is fun) and spread the
equipment on privates boats who would gather datas.

I would love that the sailing maps of the Belgium coast be based on OSM
and be of better quality than the maps sold by IGN and the like (and
this would also help with the use of opencpn , a free navigational
program that now need to be ported to smartphone imho)

Best regards,


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