
So, the final results of my tests are:

  * on Ubuntu 12.04, I was able to satisfy the GDAL 1.10 requirement by
    using qgis 2.8.1-Wien only from
    deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu
    precise  main
  * the Web menu was absent and came back after uninstalling/installing
  * when applying style-for-multipolygons.qml : unexpected character at
    line 32 column 71 ; I'm stuck
  * what is "google-analytics" doing in style files? spying on
  * When trying to read the Quick Osm created file into JOSM:  Could not
    read file 'qgis.osm'. Error is: Missing attribute 'version' on OSM
    primitive with ID 141247. (at line 6, column 55). 303 bytes have
    been read
  * the never-ending OSM file reading is just qgis being extremely slow
    at displaying it; use small maps
  * qgis installs files that are auto-removable

The main, short conclusions are that

  * the style sheets contain errors that prevent running this demo
  * QGIS+GDAL are not straightforward to install



On 2015-04-16 03:29, André Pirard wrote :
> On 2015-04-15 18:49, Marc Ducobu wrote :
>> On 13 April 2015 at 23:36, André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     On 2015-04-13 09:52, Marc Ducobu wrote :
>>>     Hello,
>>>     I write a tutorial explaining how to create a map with QGIS and the
>>>     OSM data. For this work I create a QGIS style that highlight the
>>>     cyclist infrastructure. The idea is to invite cyclists at the map
>>>     party, show them the map at the beginning of the party and at the end
>>>     show them the improved map.
>>>     For the moment the tutorial is in french :
>>> http://blog.champs-libres.coop/carto/2015/04/10/creer-une-carte-cycliste-avec-osm-et-qgis.html
>>>     and if I have the time I will translate it in english.
>>>     The QGIS is on github :
>>>     https://github.com/Champs-Libres/QGIS-OSM-styles. Feel free to use it
>>>     and improve it !
>>     Hi,
>>     Nice but when I wanted to Web>Quick OSM>Quick OSM the .OSM file
>>     back, it said
>>     Le driver OSM n'est pas installé.  Vous devez avoir GDAL/OGR >= 1.10.
>>     geek-me managed to upgrade the lib to 1.10 bit then I no longer
>>     had a Web menu :-(
>>     What's going on?
>> Which version of QGIS do you have ?
> 2.8.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.
> I partly solved the issue and described it here
> <https://github.com/3liz/QgisQuickOSMPlugin/issues/42#issuecomment-93610148>.
> Please note that being no Web menu remains but that Quick OSM is in
> plugin Tool bar.
> Also that installing qgis creates necessary auto removable packages.
> The remaining issue is:
>> Une fois l'import fini, fermez la fenêtre.
> That phrase doesn't make it clear how the import ends.
> The progress bar reaches 100% rapidly.
> And then a second bar starts rolling in the main window.
> Can the window be closed then.
> How long is the second bar supposed to roll?
> It looks like it's infinite.
> No image appears in the window.
> Cheers
> André.

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