This is a project I'm involved with.   Promote living and working in
Brussels for 'Vlamingen'.

I take no sides in the debate ;-)

that is VGC (Vlaamse Gemeenschaps Commisie)

They have OSM supporters in their circles who are eager to work with big
data in the near and far future.


On 01-05-15 10:57, Pierre Parmentier wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for all the interesting links. It will help.
> May be were my questions not formulated correctly. What I mean is to
> find additional examples of the use a commune/gemeente can _do_ with OSM
> database.
> I had some ideas: inventory of all schools, AED, health centres, trees
> along the streets, benches, small monuments and statues, public parks,
> routes of promenade.
> I have met two échevins/schepen of my municipality (public works +
> plantations + propreté/netheid and IT + Energie + Logement/Woning). They
> are curious. What can I propose to them as real life examples made by
> other municipalities? Things that will really help them.
> Pierre P.
> 2015-04-30 16:26 GMT+02:00 André Pirard <
> <>>:
>     On 2015-04-30 11:34, Marc Gemis wrote :
>>     not in Belgium, but Troisdorf, Germany uses it as well
>>     :
>>     This (using OSM) is what Westtour (tourism office) & the GIS
>>     responsible for West-Vlaanderen want to accomplish.
>>     I can send the email address of the latter in a private mail if
>>     you wish.
>     Nice!
>     Troisdorf uses Mapbender which is using layers much in the same but
>     more sophisticated way I mention below ...
>     Read on ...
>>     regards
>>     m
>>     On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Pierre Parmentier
>>     < <>>
>>     wrote:
>>         Two questions:
>>          1. Does anybody have an experience of the use of OSM by a
>>             commune/gemeente?
>>          2. Are there synthetic presentations of OSM specifically
>>             dedicated to responsible persons at a
>>             communal/gemeentelijk level?
>>         I am aware of the experiences in Brest and around. Anything
>>         similar for Belgium?
>>         Ben, two years ago we were working on a small flyer. Was it
>>         finally translated in French? Don't remember ...
>>         Pierre P.
>     Hi,
>     You can find some usage of OSM related to communes  here
> <>
>     and   there
> <>.
>     For example, first that catches my eye and that I open:  Ma commune
>     sans #TTIP / TAFTA ?
>     <>  by œucolo.
>     Those who got municipalities interested in OSM are lucky fellows (1).
>     Municipalities however are an answer to the former question
>     "Subject: Idea?" to make some money.
>     I recall my page
>     <> showing how to
>     easily make not only one POI map but also a mix of several sources.
>     We could propose municipalities and other establishments to host
>     their POIs on our own server.
>     Unlike in my examples, the details of the POIs would be in the OSM
>     database itself.
>     The customers would send by e-mail updates in the form of OSM tags
>     to validate & paste right into JOSM:
>>     building=house ...
>>     shop=... or other feature
>>     name=...
>>     addr:city=<municipality>
>>     addr:place=<part-municipality>
>>     addr:street=...
>>     addr:housenumber=...
>>     addr:postcode=...
>>     contact:email=e-mail_address
>>     contact:fax=+32-n-<fax>
>>     contact:phone=+32-n-<phone>
>>     contact:website=http://...
>>     image=<image>
>>     wikipedia=<wikipedia>
>     The POI map data would be a simple list of OSM objects IDs.
>     A POI cache would probably be needed for performance.
>     Cheers
>     André.
>     (1)
>     I wrote before that every time I proposed OSM tagging (to them or
>     other organizations), either I got no reply or they picked my idea
>     and they did it with Googlemaps.
>     Lately, I met our bourgmestre and I mentioned the OSM boundary one
>     of of our "part-municipalities".  Firstly, I was amazed how well he
>     knows it despite it belongs to history. But secondly I was
>     disappointed he replied that drawing it is totally uninteresting.  I
>     had no time to convince the busy man about OSM and the many of you.
>     I also proposed to map municipality related car sharing stops (where
>     sort of subscribed hitch hikers stop subscribed cars) and make a POI
>     map. Not only made they the map with Google but also they
>     disregarded adding the stops to OSM (and moreover I couldn't have
>     OSM tell me the tags to use for that particular feature).
>     Etc.
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