
Yesterday, I had a technical meeting with SPW about publishing data on
their geoportail (http://geportail.wallonie.be).

They are going to test a way to export data from osm database with their
platform and publish it on their portail. I will write the metadata
information (if someone is interested in participating, please raise
your hand :-) ).

I think it's a good news that they are ready to dive into manipulating
osm data. I am in backup if they encounter difficulties.

The first dataset will be a list of amenities (objects with tag
amenity=*). It will be available under a csv and shapefile format, and
should be updated every week.

The dataset should be published in late September.

Julien Fastré

Le 13/03/15 15:46, Julien Fastré a écrit :
> Hi,
> Second news about Wallonia / Service public de Wallonie.
> From OpenBelgium we started a discussion with SPW.
> 1. They would be happy to publish data from OSM on the geoportail
> (http://geoportail.wallonie.be) !
> The idea is to help people to find data without having to learn how to
> export them from OSM. They also have the will to support / help the
> contributor's work, and let this work known by the public.
> Currently, a first proposal of dataset to publish is a csv list of all
> amenities in Wallonia. This would be useful for people who do not have
> knowledge to export data from osm.
> The second proposal which was discussed was vector data about walking
> route (chemins balisés) (as here :
> http://hikebikemap.org/?zoom=13&lat=50.46&lon=5.88). They have data
> about Voies lentes
> (http://geoportail.wallonie.be/cms/render/live/en/sites/geoportail/home/geocatalogue.html?mdUUID=ef6dff90-aa13-41af-acbd-39ed8af6800d),
> they might add data about local routes on the geoportal, in a shapefile
> or GML form.
> Do you have other proposals which might be interesting to publish ? The
> criteria are : provide useful things, or things we are proud to provide
> (because it does not exists elsewhere, or because it is quite complete).
> 2. They are also thinking about using OSM tiles on WalOnMap. We will be
> invited to a meeting about this topic soon.
> Step by step, things goes progressing...
> Julien
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