Dear OSM-be community,

We have engaged in the organization of organization of the 2016 edition of SOTM. So far, a smaller group of people around Ben, have lead the way to transform into reality a possible crazy but interesting idea that I have shared with you.

SOTM 2016 will be organized in the second half of 2016 in Brussels, and even it it is about one year ahead of us, this year will pass by very quickly.

SOTM 2016 could, following Christian Quest of OSM-Fr (in cc), whom I have met recently, gather 1000 people. THis is not a small number of people. THe resulting event would not be a small one. OSM-Fr people have decided NOT to propose to organize SOTM 2016, but work with us (the Belgians) to propose a beautiful and very interesting SOTM event.

I think it could interesting to open the discussion to more members of the community as well as to these French friends, and organize regular events to 1/ see and get to know each other in real life to be better prepared to share the workload, 2/ setup a large enough team to support the workload. We could consider monthly meetings supporting online effective collaboration.

I therefore propose herewith, if not yet proposed otherwise and compatible with Ben"s views and the SOTM expectations, to organize at ESI in September the first of such event to organize SOTM 2016 in Brussels.

What do you think ?

ESI is well located centrally, close to Central station, if has the infrastructure (as it is a computing school), and I can most probably obtain the room for free.

Hope to read you on this proposal.

Best regards,


Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  -
Open@work - Une Société libre utilise des outils libres

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