Und für die Belgischen Deutschsprecher: la même chose? ;)

NB uw Imgurprentjes komen niet door in de de mail (Thunderbird op Ubuntu), wel kan ik de links aanklikken om ze te bekijken. Eén grafiek heeft een enkel datapunt voor 2013 en twee lijnen voor 2015 ?! Tikfoutje, vermoedelijk.

NB ik heb geen flauw idee of mijn Firefoxbrowser als Engels of Nederlands of wat dan ook wordt aangemeld. Engels, denk ik, als ik de drie streepjes rechts aanklik krijg ik toch allemaal opties in die taal..?

Dank voor de moeite, grappig om eens door te kijken!

On 02-11-15 19:47, joost schouppe wrote:
Hi all,

I promised the Mapper of the Month team I'd have a look at some statistics way too long ago. It being a kind of birthday now, here they are. Data is collected by Google Analytics.

There are 74.000 pageloads in total, but only 32.000 of those are from something else than the front page. There are about 30.000 unique visitors so far. About 8000 visitors were seen more than once. (of course, Google doesn't know -everything- we do, so some people are likely counted several times)

On a monthly basis, it looks like this:


So clear growth, however september and october aren't very impressive.


21% of language-identifiable pageloads are on French language pages, 79% is Dutch. To reflect Belgium, that should really be 40/60. It doesn't seem to have to do with content; the statistics stay the same if you just look at the main pages. If you take the browser language, there's still 80% Dutch speakers. However, there is only 7% French speakers, with another 12% English and 3% various other languages. I tend to assume that relatively more Dutch speakers would have English language browsers than French speakers. But maybe that's no true for people interested in OSM? Anyway you look at it, the website is clearly underrepresented in the French speaking area.

*Looking at what people look at.*

Something I absolutely don't understand is that among the French speakers, the most popular page is the French index. This has almost as much visitors as the Dutch index. For other pages, it's the more usual 80/20 devision. Maybe some Dutch speakers got to the French index by mistake, then change language?

Another surprise for me was that by far the most popular of the main pages was the usage policy (red in the graph below). So that would be a good place to put more effort, I guess. Maybe have a comment section there, to see if they are missing anything?

It's not as easy as I thought identifying the Mapper of the Month series. Some visits are identified by Analytics, others probably saw it through the blog section and are not seperatable. Maybe the images have seperate load statistics to have a better measure? Anyway, you can group the "more dynamic content" as the top most three categories on the graph below. You can see that among the French speakers, that makes up 30% of all pageloads, while for the Dutch speakers, it's more like 15%.
I don't know what kind of conclusions that could entail.


*Where did they come from*

Most visits come from Google, 66% of the total. 27% typed a url or clicked a favorite. Less then 5% clicked a link, and only 1% came from the social media.

Biggest amongst the links are the ones from escada's diary entries for the Mapper of the Month. OKFN and wiki.osm are other obvious links. Less obvious are the 100 visits coming from a post by AS adventure, http://www.asadventure.com/benl/content/nl/alles-op-een-kaart-met-je-gps . Which IMHO goes to show that we should try to get more niche users like that link to our page.

*On Mapper of the Month*

Considering that the English language posts on Escada's diary get an exposure of about 3000 views each (guestimate, based on the loads of the imgur images I unclude in my posts), the Dutch and French translations on the website get quite a low number of views.

In the best months, the project gets about 120 views, and some months it's really very low.


However, I don't think we can trust these statistics. I used the page title here, and I have the impression that only gives the good title when you are following a direct link.The same goes for using the page URL. Yes, yes, Google Analytics, lets you do all sorts of flashy stuff. But basic statistics, forget it.

Here I took all the Blog traffic together. You can clearly see a jump when the project was started, but still not that impressive numbers of views. The three high months are because of the articles on the Missing Maps and Mapping Public transport.


So unfortunately I don't think we can really quantify the Mapper of the Month. Here's another simple approach I tried to measure "community engagement" with the articles. There was some discussion whether the articles should be shorter or that long is good. So I counted the words of all the mapper interviews, and the number of responses to the Diary posts. Just a manual review, nothing fancy. I know, that's kind of silly, but it's the best I could think of.

In the graph I plotted the number of words horizontally, the number of comments vertically. The blue dot represents one mapper of the month interview. There are to little interviews to really speak of a trend, but you definitely would not read conclude here that shorter articles get more feedback.


Which makes sense to me. If you're not that interested in OSM or the interviewee, you're not going to read one of these articles. But if you do find things like this interesting, chances are you just can't get enough.

If anyone is interested, I can send you the messy excels I used. Analytics allows for a public dashboard, so if you want to keep up to data, just ask me what you would like to see constantly up to date. Or if you want access to the Analytics website, get in touch with Ben Abelshausen.

Joost @
Openstreetmap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> | Twitter <https://twitter.com/joostjakob> | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joost-schouppe/48/939/603> | Meetup <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/members/97979802/> | Reddit <https://www.reddit.com/u/joostjakob> | Wordpress <https://joostschouppe.wordpress.com/>

Joost @
Openstreetmap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> | Twitter <https://twitter.com/joostjakob> | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joost-schouppe/48/939/603> | Meetup <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/members/97979802/> | Reddit <https://www.reddit.com/u/joostjakob> | Wordpress <https://joostschouppe.wordpress.com/>

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