Pieter-Jan, community,

If anyone wants to co-host a session like the one I proposed, yes. Anyone?

You also mentioned maybe a mapping party. How about something like this:
If you like that idea (it isn't very Belgian of course), I would be willing
to host this by myself if noone else comes forward.


2015-11-10 13:41 GMT+01:00 Pieter-Jan Pauwels <pieter-jan.pauw...@okfn.org>:

> Hello Joost,
> Excellent suggestion and something that would indeed be very useful. On a
> lot of ‘open’ topics, their is indeed low awareness amongst government
> officials so a workshop like this would be very welcome. Not just for those
> government officials, but also for volunteers and other working groups that
> use geodata. The more I can promote diversity in open initiatives, the
> happier I am.
> Does somebody have the time and spirit to propose a session?
> Hosting a session means free access to the conference including food and
> drinks for those wondering.
> Kind regards,
> Pieter-Jan
> [image: photo]
> *Pieter-Jan Pauwels*
> Community Coordinator, Open Knowledge Belgium
> m: +32 476 66 27 77 <+32%20476%2066%2027%2077> | e:
> pieter-jan.pauw...@okfn.org | w: okfn.be
> On 10 Nov 2015, at 13:20, joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Pieter-Jan and community,
> Where I think OSM and local government can help each other is probably
> more in them using our data than the other way around. For example, for
> simple webmaps a tool like Umap can help them to publish quick and cheap.
> On the other hand, the tools they develop would probably be of more use to
> the world, if they use OSM in stead of data silos. I'm think for example
> about the ability to crowdsource data within the Antwerp stadsplan, where
> people start collecting ATM's or pharmacy in a little data island. Or
> Gent's insistence on building a bicycle route planner that runs on just
> their data. (just two example I happen to know, I don't want to be pointing
> fingers)
> The win for us would of course be that data use (beyond simple rendered
> map backgrounds) drives more people toward mapping.
> So maybe a workshop where you get to play with some of the cooler OSM
> applications might be fun and useful.
> I can't do this by myself as I'll be jetlagged at the time of the event;
> flying back home from a trip the Saterday before.
> But if someone wants to do this together, yes please.
> Joost
> 2015-11-10 11:12 GMT+01:00 Pieter-Jan Pauwels <pieter-jan.pauw...@okfn.org
> >:
>> Hi everyone,
>> My apologies for the slight off-topic. I’m organising the Open Belgium
>> conference 2016, which will, or at least should be, completely community
>> driven.
>> Until 15 November 2015 everybody can suggest a session for the conference
>> in Antwerp on the 29th of February 2015.
>> I haven’t seen much OSM proposals, so I though this mailing list would
>> have some members who might be interested in suggesting a session.
>> You can propose a session on: http://bit.ly/1QftLZf
>> You can suggest keynotes, workshops, a mapping party, a hackathon, panel,
>> or any other format.
>> And one tip: This year we’re focusing on local open data and are
>> targeting local authorities to come and visit. Is there something they
>> should know or can help you with? Let us know!
>> And if you have questions about the conference or why we’re organising
>> this, feel free to reply or email me directly.
>> Have a great week!
>> Kind regards,
>> Pieter-Jan
>> [image: photo]
>> *Pieter-Jan Pauwels*
>> Community Coordinator, Open Knowledge Belgium
>> m: +32 476 66 27 77 <+32%20476%2066%2027%2077> | e:
>> pieter-jan.pauw...@okfn.org | w: okfn.be
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