
Every 3 months, the layer UrbAdm of Urbis is updated and we do not
have an automatic way to know what to update in OSM. So I tried some
experiments and I write an article about it :

As the article is in French, here is a quick explanation in En :
- the OSM data & Urbis data are loaded in a PostGIS database
- for the moment only one type of polygons that are different in Urbis
& OSM are detected :
 - polygons such that :
      - there is an intersection between the osm polygon and the urbis polygon
      - the Hausdorff distance between the osm polygon and the urbis
polygon is greater than 0.0015 (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausdorff_distance )

Theses polygons are there :

The method can easily improved to detect polygons that are in urbis
and not is OSM (and vice-versa). But there is some work to perform to
detect more precisely the difference and also for dealing with


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