I answered on twitter that all practical info will be shared here:


2016-01-20 13:38 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>:

> If you don't need the introduction, you can always work on the same
> hot/missing maps task, from wherever you are.
> The task can be announced on twitter or ... at that moment.
> You'll miss the fun of meeting other mappers of course.
> regards
> m
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Pieter-Jan Pauwels <
> pieter-jan.pauw...@okfn.org> wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> Just saw this question popping up on Twitter:
>> https://twitter.com/jan_fabry/status/689772166129283072
>> *“@AppsForGhent @Stadgent @vredeshuis Kunnen we ook remote meedoen?**”*
>> So it possible? I have no idea :)
>> I’ll be present as well, live tweeting with the OpenBelgium account and
>> participating.
>> I can come and bring a camera to hookup to a Google Hangout if you’d
>> like, but no sure if necessary.
>> PJ
>> Community Coordinator
>> Open Knowledge Belgium
>> m: +32 476 66 27 77 a: Sint-Salvatorstraat 18/101, 9000 Gent
>> s: www.openknowledge.be e: pieter...@openknowledge.be
>> <http://2016.openbelgium.be/>
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