Which type of communication do you want to do via this channel ?
Only meetings, mapathons and similar announcements ?

Also quarterly projects (when we get to run those on a regular basis) ?

OSM-weekly like ?

I think you should mention that in the first message, so people know
what they can expect before (un)subscribing.


On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A quick googling gave me Odoo:
> https://www.odoo.com/page/email-marketing  "free unlimited forever"...
> m
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 11:02 AM, joost schouppe
> <joost.schou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As I said somewhere in a thread, we need more ways to communicate to people
>> who like us, but don't necessarily want to follow this mailing list (which I
>> think is entirely understandable).
>> Here's some things to do:
>> * decide on a tool. I've already made a MailChimp account, but if anyone has
>> a better idea, please speak now. Once we're over 2000 subscribers, it also
>> costs money. It would be nice to avoid that.
>> * adding people.
>> - I'm planning to add all the participants of the last few Missing Maps
>> Mapathons. I know they didn't ask for it, so the very first message should
>> almost start with "if you don't want to keep up to date on events,
>> UNSUBSCRIBE HERE". People do regularly ask "how will you keep me up to date
>> about events", so they will probably not feel spammed anyway.
>> - we can put a button on the osm.be website
>> - I'll put it in the welcome message for new mappers
>> - we should suggest subscribing to active mappers who aren't active here
>> - we'll tell our 500 (!) twitter followers
>> * write a first message. English, French and Dutch? Define what exactly we
>> want to say. I've seen people write very well here when provided a Hackpad,
>> so here's a place to work:
>> https://hackpad.com/First-message-on-the-mailing-list-0VV4Ftu482s
>> * define scope of messaging. I don't think we'll have that much to say. I
>> think for now, it'll be mostly announcing events, sometimes a little
>> newsflash or a call for sponsors . I think once or twice a month would be
>> more than enough.
>> There's also a trello card for this little project, feel free to move tasks
>> there.
>> https://trello.com/c/XGvkPNVQ/28-create-an-osm-newsletter
>> I'd like to get the first message out this weekend, so it's not too long
>> after the Mapathon for the 230 people who registered there.
>> --
>> Joost @
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