
Our newsletter subscription audience has now reached 300. Yeay! Please make
all those people who don't read this list subscribe [1]!
Right now, it's more of a mapathon-participants mailing list. Up to you to
change that.

I just prepared a workspace to start writing the next post [2]. The most
important thing is the Maptember events (SOTM, HOT summit, OsGEO) and
related events (mapathon, hackday).

If you want to be more directly involved in newsletter management, let me
know and I'll give you an account to the Mailchimp platform. I would be
thrilled to give this job away :)

[2]: https://hackpad.com/OSMbe-Newsletter-2-S6stsFmKCCn

Joost @
Openstreetmap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> |
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<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joost-schouppe/48/939/603> | Meetup
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