Well yes, I was also thinking it was about time to have another Antwerp
Meetup. Maybe we can push this Brussels one a bit back to the end of
February and have an Antwerp party mid Feb?

2017-01-18 11:15 GMT+01:00 Ben Laenen <benlae...@gmail.com>:

> At the meetup I was jokingly proposing to do an informal meetup/party in
> Antwerp to celebrate ten years of being an OSM member next month :-p But I
> don't care too much if it's in Brussels, as there are probably quite a few
> other people in the community who have their ten year celebration coming
> up in
> 2017 without realizing it since 2007 was the time when things started to
> appear on the map in Belgium...
> Ben
> On Tuesday, 17 January 2017 21:35:28 CET Bessières, Marc wrote:
> > En Français + bas.
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > After the very nice meeting yesterday, I would like to organise another
> > meeting in BXL next month.
> >
> > So I'd like to do it a day which would be good for at least some
> > persons.
> >
> > And then invite everybody who would like to join but doesn't know it yet
> >
> > :)
> >
> > I proposed only beginning of the weeks in order to have enough room in
> > the bar.
> >
> > https://framadate.org/ysSVQHfkaanXINNV
> >
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Après la super réunion d'hier je voudrai organiser un nouveau meeting a
> > BXL le mois prochain
> >
> > Et pour ça je voudrais choisir une date qui convienne au moins à
> > quelques personnes.
> >
> > Et ensuite je posterai l'invitation pour toute personne intéressée mais
> > qui ne le sait pas encore :)
> >
> > Je ne propose que des jours en début de semaine, afin d'avoir assez de
> > place dans le bar.
> >
> > https://framadate.org/ysSVQHfkaanXINNV
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Joost Schouppe
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