Hi Joost,

In Wallonia, there are named as "Oxfam - Magasins du monde". See this map:

In Arlon (where I checked), there are two Oxfam shops, one focused on
selling food & craft and the second one focused on selling 2nd hand
clothes. The Oxfam shop that sells fair trade food and crafts is tagged as
a shop=convenience and the other one that sells second hand clothes is
tagged as shop=clothes & second_hand=only.

I'm OK with mapping as convenience the Oxfam shop. I don't know if we'd
better map Oxfam 2nd hand clothes as shop=clothes or shop=charity... After
a  look on the wiki, it seems OK to map Oxfam 2nd hand shops as charity
since the money goes to Oxfam for charity. Anyway, I knwo some places where
the Oxfam shops mix the second hand clothes and the fair-trade food and


On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:08 PM, joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I was looking at fair trade stores recently. I've always considered Oxfam
> Wereldwinkel (don't know what they're called in French, it's the Oxfam
> shops with fair trade products from around the world) to be something like
> a convenience store (a kruidenier, a small supermarktet), with just fair
> trade shops. Much like a bio-shop is a convenience store with organic stuff.
> So in that logic you would have:
> shop=convenience + respectively fair_trade=only or organic=only .
> In the case of organic shops, the case seems closed, but I saw a lot of
> Oxfam shops tagged as shop=charity. While Oxfam does have charity shops
> (where they sell second hand books or clothes), I don't think their
> Wereldwinkels are within the scope of that definition.
> How do you feel about this?
> (I'm in the proces of building a little mapcontrib app [1] to add
> fair_trade tags to places like this, but wanted to know your opinion on
> these shops first. Most of these shops are in the U.K. but I wanted to ask
> here first, as here I know these places myself; I don't know what they look
> like in the UK)
> 1: https://www.mapcontrib.xyz/t/7865e7-Fair_trade_shops
> --
> Joost Schouppe
> OpenStreetMap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> |
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