Hello everyone,

OSGeo.be will have a track at the next BeGeo conference (march 16)
[1]. For those who do not know it: it is the largest "geospatial"
conference in Belgium with about 2000 participants.

We think it would be a good idea to have a presentation on
OpenStreetMap as well. Is someone from the OSM Belgium community
available for doing such a presentation?

Please reply asap, as we want to finalise the program this week.

Kind Regards,

[1] http://www.begeo.be/

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 7:20 AM, Dirk Frigne <dirk.fri...@geosparc.com> wrote:
> Dear list,
> Gentle reminder to update the agenda of the BeGeo track.
> I have to provide the temporary track to the BeGeo organizing comittee.
> I will send this version, but we should try to finalize the agenda
> before Februari, 9 when the program come's on-line
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/18hpQWWeNLNOCxbxJR9HeNaeUptdOoNkxs4APq3U6hHM/edit#
> Dirk
> On 20-01-17 14:28, Dirk Frigne wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> OSGeo.be has the opportunity to oranise a 2.5 hour site track on the
>> BeGeo conference. Last year during the first edition, there were > 1200
>> visitors. This years there is a maximum of 2000 visitors in the Tour &
>> Taxis environment in Brussels.
>> I attended the meeting of behalf of OSGeo.be for the preparation of
>> BeGeo 2017. More info on following link:
>> http://www.begeo.be/?knews=readEmail&id=6&e=16686&k=4
>> Date: March 16, 2017.
>> As OSGeo.be we engaged us to fill a track during the day. 2.5 hours in
>> total of content.
>> The idea is to promote open source, open data, OSGeo and a couple of
>> OSGeo projects.
>> Next step is to prepare the programme. I have already some content, and
>> a preliminary schema, but I still need some additional content, and
>> volunteers who want to present the content. This is a great event to
>> promote OSGeo to a more broad audience. We expect between 1000 and 2000
>> visitors.
>> The website with the program should be ready begin of february, so here
>> is my first draft.
>> Please update me with new content, or you can even volunteer to help me
>> drafting the content.
>> There are 4 blocks of content. 2 times 45 minutes, and 2 times half an hour.
>> In total we have room for 10 presentations of 15 minutes.
>> It should be good to have an alternative, if a speaker doesn’t show up,
>> to fill an empty slot.
>> Block 1: 11:45 - 12:30        3 presentations of 15 minutes
>> Block 2: 12:30 - 13:00        2 presentations of 15 minutes
>> Block 3: 14:00 - 14:45        3 presentations of 15 minutes
>> Block 4: 14:45 - 15:15        2 presentations of 15 minutes
>> I prepared an example of a schema[1] that we could present, but I need
>> some volunteers to realise this event. The aim is to have Dutch and
>> French presentations. PLease send me a mail if you want to help out.
>> I already added some confirmed talks, and some idea's of talks to the
>> schedule. We still have to find the speakers for a couple of these talks.
>> Deadline is end of the weekend. Then we have to send this out. Will be
>> published february, 9 2017 on the beGoe website.
>> [1]
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/18hpQWWeNLNOCxbxJR9HeNaeUptdOoNkxs4APq3U6hHM/edit#
>> PS.
>> I also have to send some information about our track to the organisers
>> to publish on the website: (in dutch)
>> Please help me to improve the summary. Published in the same document [1]
>> - Een mooie en aansprekende titel:  Oplossingen gebaseerd op Open Source
>> voor het Geodomein - OSGeo helpt je op weg
>> - De inleider(s) en de organisatie(s):  Johan Van de Wauw - presedent
>> OSGeo.be
>> Foto(s) van de inleiders:     Johan, can you provide a photo?
>> Linkedin pagina van de inleider of als ze die niet hebben een korte
>> biografie: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johanvdw
>> Een korte beschrijving over de inhoud van de sessie
>> OSGeo is een vereniging zonder winstgevend doel, die ijvert voor de
>> verspreiding van open software, data en standaarden. OSGeo is wereldwijd
>> actief en opereert via locale structuren, waarbij OSGeo.be de Belgische
>> vertegenwoordiger is.
>> Deze sessie geeft een overzicht van vrij beschikbare tools, data en
>> software oplossingen die vrij en gratis ter beschikking zijn om je Geo
>> problemen op te lossen. Er wordt een inzicht gegeven in OSGeo als
>> organisatie, de producten die je kan gebruiken, hoe je kan bijdragen tot
>> de communitywerking. Er worden voorbeelden gegeven hoe andere
>> organisaties de overstap naar open source hebben gerealiseerd en
>> voorbeelden van hoe de software te gebruiken.
>> Links naar meer informatie over het thema: http://www.osgeo.org
>> De doelgroep: iedereen die professioneel of educatief bezig is met de
>> geosector en die geïnteresseerd is om meer te weten over open source en
>> data alternatieven om zijn/haar doelstellingen te realiseren.
> --
> Yours sincerely,
> ir. Dirk Frigne
> CEO @geosparc
> Geosparc n.v.
> Brugsesteenweg 587
> B-9030 Ghent
> Tel: +32 9 236 60 18
> GSM: +32 495 508 799
> http://www.geomajas.org
> http://www.geosparc.com
> @DFrigne
> be.linkedin.com/in/frigne

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