And don't forget to announce the Trefdag Trage Wegen in Kortrijk, next
Saturdag 25th, with a mapping/routing workshop focussing on making your own
routable application, based on OSM 'slow roads'  data.

2017-03-20 10:45 GMT+01:00 joost schouppe <>:

> Jo, I didn't mention Leuven because at least you have an experienced OSM
> university member helping out (Johan De Cock). At least according to our
> master doc. Namur and LLN have just a single person!
> But yes, more help is welcome in several places! Gent, Leuven and Liège
> have just two people helping out.
> 2017-03-20 10:36 GMT+01:00 Jo <>:
>> It seems like I'll be the only one helping participants in Leuven, which
>> is probably not a problem, but it wouldn't hurt to have some backup.
>> Jo
>> 2017-03-20 8:45 GMT+01:00 joost schouppe <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> This will be a busy week:
>>> On Friday, we'll have a regular OpenStreetMap meetup in Louvain La Neuve
>>> [1]. C'est le premier OSM meetup en Wallonie depuis tres tres longtemps!
>>> On Saturday and Sunday, Dewey is doing a Cartopartie about their
>>> [2]. It is more an open source dev hackaton than
>>> something OSM. But they are investigating the relation between their
>>> geodata and OSM. As Philippe noted somewhere, their data isn't always
>>> better - but there are surely some mutual benefits to be found.
>>> On Saturday, we are having the National Mapathon. It looks like we will
>>> surpass last year's participation, with 177 people already registered [3].
>>> We are still looking for volunteers to help new mappers, especially in
>>> Louvain-la-Neuve and Namur.
>>> In the evening, you're welcome to the Validation Party, which we will do
>>> at the Dewey Cartopartie in Brussels.
>>> Even though only 1% of participants go on to become heavy Belgium
>>> mappers, this is a great opportunity to present OSM to a completely new
>>> public.
>>> On Sunday, we will join the Cartopartie crew for our second OSM Belgium
>>> Hackday [4]. All your projects are welcome, though we have several in the
>>> works: improving the new website, GRB import, Roadmapping project, etc.
>>> 1:
>>> 2:
>>> ianofabriek/
>>> 3:
>>> 4:
>>> --
>>> Joost Schouppe
>>> OpenStreetMap <> |
>>> Twitter <> | LinkedIn
>>> <> | Meetup
>>> <>
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> --
> Joost Schouppe
> OpenStreetMap <> |
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