Hi Matthieu,

I did something like this in the past: http://linkedconnections.github.io/demo/ - It’s not perfect but does is infinitely extensible.

There are other open-source projects, such as Open Trip Planner analytics, that can give you this functionality out of the box. If you do not want to install all of this yourself, you can also use Navitia: https://www.navitia.io/features#isochrons

Kind regards,


On 02-10-17 11:09, Matthieu Gaillet wrote:

I’d like to build isochronous maps for the SNCB/NMBS network in Belgium. The 
idea is getting a map visually showing the time needed to go to major cities 
when departing from an arbitrary starting city.

There are some public APIs to get the raw timing data itself, but my experience 
in developing such an app is close to zero. Anybody interested by such project 
and feeling to collaborate ? Any pointers, examples ? The closest thing I found 
is that app : http://www.commutometer.com/isokron/37.774929,-122.419416


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