I think this problem can be solved with OpenLR, or at least to a level of
acceptable quality comparable to mapping the ID's in OSM. I'm willing to
help out with that, how that would work for examples for brussels:

OpenLR, encodes a location on a network in a kind of ID like this:


This decodes into a segment like this:


In your internal database you keep the code above, and link the streetname
to that segment, the segment always decodes no matter who updates the map
or the ID's of the OSM ways. As long as the road still exists the code will
work. It's a perfect way to associate data to a road network for cars (or
in this case firetrucks) without having a dependency on the network ID's or
mapped ID's on the network.

Other examples:


Generating codes can be done by just clicking on the map if you want to
generate your own.

All this software is open-source and can be setup locally.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best regards,

Ben Abelshausen

On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Jo <winfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If I  understood correctly every single street name of the Netherlands is
> already in Wikidata.
> 2017-11-23 14:31 GMT+01:00 joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com>:
>> Jo,
>> Does Urbis hold the same authority about the correct street name as CRAB
>> does in Flanders? I've understood there might not be a single authoritaive
>> list for Brussels, but I'm not sure.
>> Do you have an idea on how it would actually work on this scale with
>> Wikidata? Do you know of some projects that use Wikidata on that scale? I'm
>> asking because I think Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen might be really
>> interested in linking their data to Wikidata, and from there to OSM. It
>> helps that it allows for a single datamodel for any country that uses
>> street names. And thus for one single QA tool to keep street names valid
>> anywhere that model is used.
>> 2017-11-22 22:11 GMT+01:00 Jo <winfi...@gmail.com>:
>>> Urbis released all the data for the Brussels region several years ago,
>>> so it should be possible to use that data like we use CRAB in Flanders.
>>> My personal preference would be to work with wikidata identifiers for
>>> every street in and around Brussels.
>>> Polyglot
>>> 2017-11-22 21:09 GMT+01:00 joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi Nadia,
>>>> Nice to see you here!
>>>> I've played with the idea of unique identifiers for OSM objects myself
>>>> before. But it remains controversial in the international community (not so
>>>> much in Belgium). Here's an article I wrote long long time ago about it.
>>>> It's especially useful for the comments, which outline some of the problems
>>>> with my idea [1].
>>>> Also relevant to get a feel for the issues is when this proposition for
>>>> a global reviews database was discussed. Possibilities for linking were
>>>> investigated, and adding external IDs got quite a bit of headwind.
>>>> There has been a discussion about wikidata recently that turned so big
>>>> that I couldn't follow at all. But at least until recently, there seemed to
>>>> be an openness towards adding wikidata unique IDs. I don't know enough
>>>> about it to have a real opinion, but to me it sounds elegant to translate
>>>> an official source of streetnames into wikidata objects, then adding that
>>>> identifier to OSM. Maybe those more versed in Wikidata can explain.
>>>> That said, I'm not sure your proposed solution is the most simple
>>>> solution to the problem. Given that streetnames are given by the
>>>> government, in theory there is one and only possible way of writing the
>>>> name. In Flanders, that would be the CRAB name. In the very few cases where
>>>> CRAB is still wrong (or more to the point: the sign in the street says
>>>> something slightly different than what CRAB says), you could have
>>>> name="Name on the Street Sign" and something like name_official="Name in
>>>> CRAB". In that situation, the problem is different: how do make sure all
>>>> the street names are and stay correct in OSM. By coincidence, we are
>>>> actually working towards doing something like that. In the scope of the
>>>> Road Completion project [1] we want to start "attribute/tag comparison"
>>>> real soon. Glenn as well has built something that is even further along the
>>>> line of being in production, where we look for "close to this official
>>>> road, there is no OSM road with the same exact name".
>>>> Similar bit different, we developed a website last Open Summer of Code,
>>>> where official cycling network data is compared to OSM data all the time.
>>>> That way we can make sure our Brussel cycling network is always at least as
>>>> correct as the official data.
>>>> It's only a few more steps (not easy ones, I know) until we can work
>>>> this out further. Any difference in street names should then be fixed quite
>>>> quickly. I'd rather see you guys helping out in this effort, than starting
>>>> a cumbersome import.
>>>> As far as I know, those codes are only open data in Flanders
>>>> (accidentally through CRAB open data). One of the few rules about "what to
>>>> map" is that it should be verifiable (preferable by anyone, in the field).
>>>> There are a few exceptions, but they are rather rare. As long as the
>>>> National Registry codes are not open data, that sounds lie a real problem
>>>> to me. In fact, there is no way you can import data into OSM that is not
>>>> open. Because then we would have to re-license OSM with the license of the
>>>> National Registry :)
>>>> One more thing is that using this ID will give you false certainty. You
>>>> will get your results, most of the time. But someone might have corrected a
>>>> segment (it used to have the name A, but it really is street B), and they
>>>> will not know what to do with this strange ref number. So even after a
>>>> succesful import, you would still need something like the constant
>>>> comparison described above to check if the streetname is still what the
>>>> unique identifier assumes it should be.
>>>> Ben and I have also spent a lot of time thinking about this problem in
>>>> general terms: "how do you keep external data synchronized to OSM". In the
>>>> case of roads it shouldn't actually be that hard. Say you start of with a
>>>> table joining the two datasets together based on the object IDs. You then
>>>> need to monitor how both datasets evolve. On the OSM side, you only have to
>>>> keep analysing segments that have changed a lot (say, the average
>>>> coordinate is too far away; the total length changed too much) or have
>>>> disappeared. Then you can have a process that finds if an object that is
>>>> similar enough is still mapped in the same place. Only when a certain
>>>> threshold is reached, there's a need for manual intervention to check what
>>>> is going on.
>>>> While this sounds complicated, I do think someone experienced in the
>>>> field, could build a model in a couple of days. I think the end result
>>>> would actually be more dependable than your idea, and probably less work to
>>>> implement. I've built something solving a similar problem in FME in not too
>>>> much time (a professional FME worker then re-built it in two days). Seppe
>>>> suggested that in the case of road data, a tool like OpenLR [5] might
>>>> actually already solve this problem. And Glenn seems to think this is quite
>>>> straightforward using Postgis.
>>>> Just out of curiosity: what kind of information do you have that is
>>>> valid at the level of a streetname?
>>>> 1: http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/diary/34328
>>>> 2: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2016-August/0
>>>> 76498.html
>>>> 3: http://www.osm.be/2017/01/06/en-project-road-completion.html
>>>> 4: https://cyclenetworks.osm.be/brumob/
>>>> 5: http://www.openlr.info/
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>> Joost Schouppe
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