-< "Some switches/junctions have a name (e.g. Y Val-Benoit) and are tagged
 as railway=junction. But this page [2] seems to suggest that
 railway=switch is a better tag. Or do we keep the railway=junction tag
for named switches/junctions?">

In real life a name like "Y val-Benoit" junction (vertakking) is not a switch but the area with switches were lines (the number of track is no importend) can go from one destination to a other destination. From Kortrijk to Brussel or Kortrijk to Gent(1)

1) https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/50.83690/3.29340
[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:railway%3Dswitch

missing convention:
Track that are no more connected to the normal railway explotation but only used for tourism like rail bike (3)
definition for such engines is missing
railbike tag info 1
rail_bike tag info 41

3) http://www.spoorfietsen.be

Op 20/01/2018 om 15:27 schreef Stijn Rombauts:

I am rewriting the conventions page about railways [1]. It was a bit
A few questions:
- I kept the convention about the name ("L" followed by the number of
the line, e.g. L25). But I noticed it hasn't been followed in many
places (often 25 or L.25). Do we keep this convention or not? The
HSL/LGV lines have been given other names like "Ligne Nouvelle 1" or
"LGV 3 - HSL 3". What do we do these?
- The relations usually have a ref=L.25. (with the point). Still OK?
- Some switches/junctions have a name (e.g. Y Val-Benoit) and are tagged
as railway=junction. But this page [2] seems to suggest that
railway=switch is a better tag. Or do we keep the railway=junction tag
for named switches/junctions?
- Railway stations: I guess we're supposed to follow the
rules/guidelines in this page [3]? Or do we have other opinions? E.g. in
Visé [4] the tag railway=station has been used 3 times...
- Do we keep the distinction between railway=station and railway=halt.
As more and more stations (=buildings) are closed, it seems to me that
the distinction between the two has become quite vague.

I'll probably come back later with more questions. Any other useful
information that could be added to the conventions page is welcome.



[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:railway%3Dswitch
[3] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Railway_stations
[4] https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/50.73809/5.69215

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