As suggested by Joost Schouppe, I give you here more info about

On Monday 23 October 2018, I delivered my first hours of evangelism on

Regular visitors to the Espace public numérique (EPN) of Arlon as well as
people particularly interested in the subject, such as members of the
Association Les Sentiers de Grande Randonnée, were present.

For three hours in the morning and again three hours in the afternoon, I
talked and showed screens about the 'use' of OpenStreetMap in everyday
life. The means of 'contributing' and participating in the database will be
explained on 6 and 27 November.

Let me say that it was difficult for me to speak of all the elements that I
had promised myself to explain. Time is short with OpenStreetMap! The
audience had a very varied computer experience. For some people, the use of
the mouse was still unclear in all situations. But many interesting and
constructive questions have been raised. And at the end of each session, we
did not reach half of the program! But all visitors received a brief
program (paper and PDF) as well as a clear list of all the websites I
planned to visit.

Very, very beautiful experience! More details after the next two steps.

All with the support of some contributors of the Pays d'Arlon
<> and the manager of
the EPN.


Pierre Parmentier
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