Wow, nice work. Very efficient. I hope you can keep this up!

Op ma 17 dec. 2018 om 11:47 schreef Tim Couwelier <>:

> First of all, a short introduction. Based on discussion in chat, we feel
> it'd be good to open up about what's discussed in the Riot (or IRC) chat
> channel, and distribute a summary of it (on a weekly basis) through forum
> and mailinglist. For now this is a one-man-operation, we'll see how it
> evolves over time.
> Input/feedback/extended discussion can be had through talk-be, the riot
> channel or the belgian subsection of the fora.
> (Note: I'm fully aware I'm probably a highly 'unknown' person to many
> people within this mailinglist. I've talked through trying to do this with
> Joost, and was met with his approval. If anyone has questions about me or
> my part in this, do let me know.)
> *Monday 10/12/2018*
> Glenn informs about how to map a 'tractorsluis' (physical construction to
> allow tractors to pass, but not normal cars).
> bxl-forever asks about how to map a certain type of barrier/fence.
> fence_type = railing seems the best fit (
> )
> Seppe points out there's a Mapillary grant program for camera's.
> Requires 50k+ uploaded pictures to be taken into consideration.
> Jakka suggests supplying a basic simple template using osm-be tiles to
> implement a map into a website.
> Most agree this would be good, issue created on the osmbe-website github.
> *Tuesday 11/12/2018*
> Timcouwelier points out tiles are loading very slow,.
> Escada confirms there's indeed issues, linking to the status page (
> )
> Jakka asks about how to map mobil telephone antennae attached to power
> towers.
> Lionel_giard replies *'you only use
> communication:mobile_phone/radio/...=yes/no for the transmission equipment.
> The others tags are all for the structure. '*
> *Wednesday 12/12/2018*
> Timcouwelier asks about tagging suggestions for an entrace ramp to a
> hospital with an overhead roof.
> Tagging as a bridge seems an option, but would not match with using
> 'tunnel' for the covered part under the building + it's rendered overly
> heavy. Consensus is to split the ramp and mark an  'incline = up' and
> 'incline = down', but to not  add percentage as it's unknown.
> apparantly shows 2
> uses for 'incline = steep_as_hell'
> Lionel_giard ask about how to map an 'internaat' (living quarters at
> school for students not going home during the week).
> This is a recurring question, but there's nothing beyond building =
> residential. However, it should still clarify sufficient in combination
> with amenity = school around it.
> Timcouwelier asks about options in Overpass Turbo: building on a query
> that selects all ways based on having a node last touched by a given user,
> is there an option to do that for TWO users and style them differently?
> Joost offers a workaround through mapcontrib, by using two layers with a
> different query, and working with two different styles.
> s8evq asks about possible missing attribution to OSM in the maps used by
> Contact is made based on the following input by Joost:
> *    If you want to deal with it yourself, add it to this list and write
> them a message: *
> **
> <>
> A reply from wegspotter to a question by Glenn on 'slow roads', raises
> discussion on how to deal with getting 'complete' info, as the requirements
> for the vicinal ref (
> ) requires info that's not visible possible to retrieve in the field.
> *Thursday 13/12/2018*
> Discussion on the vicinal roads continues.
> Neither atlas number, the vicinal_type (sentier vs chemin) can be found
> without external sources.
> Tim re-links the WMS for the atlas for most provinces, but before editing
> them into the wiki, Joost plans to check to what extent they are 'within
> license' to use as a source. Suggestion is made (by himself) to remind him
> from time to time not to forget about this.
> Discussion on the wiki status for the vicinal road tagging, raises issues
> about communication of such wiki edits, where escada points out ideally
> issues like that should get picked up either in riot channel or through the
> mailing list. Timcouwelier adds that ideally, to keep discussion / progress
> / knowledge / information spread widely, it'd probably be a good idea to
> created a weekly digest of what's discussed in the riot channel, both for
> later reference but also to open up the discussions with those not actively
> reading the channel.
> That in mind, timcouwelier creates a framapad to start taking notes for a
> weekly digest, to be sent to talk-be, and writes up a first prelimary
> version for this week.
> Lionel_giard asks about rendering status - it's still down, and there seem
> to be more issues with the Amsterdam tileserver.
> Juminet announces an OpenStreetMap Arlon meetup  (
> )
> and informs about adding it to the osm-be calendar and maptime, or to be
> told how to do it. It appears creating a PR (pull request) here gets the
> job done:
> Joost suggests a revert of changes by this user:
> and asks for assistance in doing
> so. Midgard helps out.
> Suggestion is made that - if tileservers remain having issues - osm-be or
> osm-fr tiles can be used, which in turn raises questions on their update
> frequency. Jonathan explains that currently the osm-be tiles are updated
> approximately once a month, but the process (mostly starting/stopping) the
> rendering server is a manual process. He intends to keep a closer watch in
> 2019, to shorten update cycles.
> Jakka points out there's a new source of incoming 'notes', generated
> through , often
> low quality. Joost will try to get in touch with the app devs.
> As a side question, Tim asks where Jakka tracks notes (through a map or a
> feed). Jakka responds with his source feed (
> )
> *Friday 14/12/2018*
> Tim has contacted the city of Roeselare to point out their google maps
> 'map page' isn't working, suggesting the use of OSM instead.
> The discussion on vicinal roads continues, with some background on them,
> legal status and such.  Tagging should be tackled on two levels: the
> 'designation' tag and the tags for the vicinal roads.
> For designation, wegspotter proposes this:
> So for designation in Flanders & Brussels, we have basically 3 statutes.
>    - *designation=vicinal_road* (it appears in the atlas or in modifiyng
>    documents)
>    - *designation=communal_road_ss* (it is property of the municipality &
>    it is destinied for public use & it does not appear in the atlas of vicinal
>    roads)
>    - *designation=right_of_way_ss *(it is a public right of way, but does
>    not show up in the atlas of vicinal roads
> In Wallonia, you only have one category designation=communal_road (without
> the ss, since the Flemish/Brussels situation is stricter
> By extension, for the vicinal roads we'd come to this: (based on an
> example picture by escada)
>    - *name = Speecaertweg*
>    - *vicinal_ref = Voetweg 44 *(yes with the Voetweg --> because we also
>    add N/A/E)
>    - *official_vicinal_ref* = SMB_44_1 (usually the ref that can only be
>    found in documents, gets 'official', there is already an official_name and
>    official_ref that have the same purpose).
>    - *designation=vicinal* (Flanders) or *designation *= communal
>    (Wallonia)l.
> Plan of action is for wegspotter to make the required wiki edits for the
> vicinal roads tagging scheme, communicatie / discuss through
> riot/forum/talk-be mailing and then start applying it. As a second stage,
> an attempt can be made to formalise the *designation = ** tagging on a
> wider level, but to not let that hold back the (smaller) argument on how we
> tag vicinal roads in belgium. Escada refers to his imagery available for
> demo images to implement in the wiki, pietervdvn explains how to use the
> images in wiki edits.
> Related to the argument, Wegspotter also shared a document on slow roads /
> vicinal roads and their (legal) statuses.
> Pietervdvn informs he's hosting a session with Westtoer (provincial
> tourism agency for West-Flanders), and asks if any topics in specific
> should be stressed towards this target group. Tim points out that 'ensuring
> the source data they proces is within license for using for OSM'.
> Some discussion is raised on 'duplicate tagging', more specifically
> 'manually adding tags for something that is implicitly a consequence of
> other tags'. Glen refers to this page: (
> ) and points out only that given the rules have some *implicit*
> consequences, you should only map the exceptions through *explicit*
> tagging.
> Wegspotter asks if 'tracktype' can also be applied to paths. It's
> countered tracktype should be considered strictly for use on 'tracks'.
> Tim asks about tagging suggestions for an indoor building for sports.
> Doudou suggests leisure = sports_centre, escada suggests building =
> sports_hall (as the latter implies more directly to the building rather
> then the broader site)
> Some tracing back to earlier discussions on street names happens:
> - Joost received feedback on the spelling over Breeërweg  (which is in GRB
> as Breeerweg). They agree it's technically incorrect, but that is like that
> officially and the municipality sticks to it, so they follow that version.
> - Reference is made to the equally (technically incorrect) spelling for
> street names in Vilvoorde, which in GRB have a different format then what
> ground truth (street signs) show.
> Suggestion is for those cases to add a* note="the name is not the
> official name but we chose to following street names as used on traffic
> signs, not the official notation" . *Note: as this point that is merely a
> suggestion.
> *Saturday 17/12/2018*
> Escada picks up on a question from Joost the night before:
> *adding access=no to a highway=cycleway that has bicylce=yes: that seems
> unwanted, no? *
> His reply refers to
> and states that mostly the difference you can have, tends to be in the
> nature of mopeds being 'permissive' or not.
> Jakka adds to it by suggestion to stick to moped_a, moped_b and moped_p as
> keys rather then their capitalized versions. Normally the use of capital
> letters is restricted to where names require them.
> Wegspotter refers to having updated this page:
> and suggest proofreading / input.
>  As a side point, rendering of tracks based on access types gets
> discussed.  Escada adds that to this day, the default rendering is mostly
> car-oriënted, but that the location to make suggestions is here:
> . He also
> links to two related issues.
>  Joost announces having been elected into the OSMF board, with a round of
> congratulations all around to celebrate the news. Some discussion about the
> voting (and the nature of the voting system used here, and other systems in
> other contexts) follows.
>  Ubipo asks for help with turn lane relations and the JOSM plugin for it.
> Midgard replies it's not common practice in Belgium to use them, as we go
> for *turn:lanes *tagging. Given ubipo was mostly trying to fix the broken
> relation, and the suggested tagging is in place, the relation gets removed.
> *Sunday 18/12/2018*
> Jakka asks about ta default mail template to point out missing attribution
> in webpages, given it's lacking here:
> . s8evq points here:
> , and Jakka sent the e-mail.
> Joost asks about these marker stones he found in Hallerbos (
> ), which he assumes to be old
> border marker stones. No input is given beyond 'that's what we would get as
> well'
> Escada points out he's having issues with user BHiko's work. It looks like
> it's a (manual) import of data for networks found through knooppuntnet, and
> in the proces deleting/replacing network data known to be correct. The user
> seems however difficult to reach, so if anyone has a somewhat direct line
> to the person, please let us know. Requesting a block through DWG is at
> this point an option to consider.
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