Hi Stijn,

Thanks a lot for sharing this. Despite the many hours I spent reading the doc, I never found this one... It definitely deserves attention from mappers focused on this network.

After reading, and with the various experiences I got mapping specifically that network, I would like to bring two elements to the attention of other mappers sharing the same interests:

1. Both the *designation* and *vicinal_ref* tags are definitely useful, I missed them a lot. Now I'll be able to refine the many places where it is useful, for both communities (balnam and OSM).

2. If sometime I spent half an hour deciding between highway=track and highway=path, I also spent _hours_ to decide between a path and a footway... Here is THE point that I would like to insist on, and that should probably be refined in the draft:  In the main description of the *highway* tag, for the *footway* value, ONE word is really import: [...] "*mainly*/exclusively for pedestrians" This "mainly" word allows to make a clean distinction according to the real world. This distinction is definitely necessary, and it would be a big issue if that "*mainly*" word disappears. The various places in the doc bring the reader to conclude that a footway must have a visible/clear restriction for pedestrians only. This would force to use a "path" in more than 99% cases, with the loss of an important information: Is that way usable for a non-pedestrian, non-sportman, a normal user (bicycler)? Is a biker welcome there?

If that second point is not clear, just think of a different rendering, like OpenCycleMap... For cycling, paths would stay visible, footways would disappear. This may imply a deviation of >20km or a trip cancellation for bicyclers! Also, a bicycler may be anybody on his Sunday ride, or a confirmed moutainbiker with good technical capabilities. Another example of dramatic consequences would be the result of routing software, like brouter.de, which could not be reliable at all! => Accurate information is fully relevant/important. (Rendering, as always, is secondary notion, that must not influence the accuracy of the data itself.)

NOTE: Please, consider checking around the *trail_visibility* tag too... It seems there are contradictions between this draft and the main understanding/other descriptions! There are many misuses of this one.


On 12/08/20 18:11, Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be wrote:

A side step from the discussion of the previous days.
This page exists [1], but it isn't listed under the conventions here [2]. If 
I'm not mistaken it once was, but has disappeared from that list after a while. 
Does somebody know why? Or did it just fall off...
Or is it because it still has a 'draft' status? Then it is maybe time to accept 
this proposal instead of leaving it for years as a draft.
Anyway, if that page were a bit more visible, perhaps more people would follow 
those (draft) conventions (and also use the correct tags, e.g. vicinal_ref 
instead of ref or name).



[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Belgium

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