I do not think they should be in OSM, and I wouldn't mind deleting them. :)

First of all, they are harder to keep up to date and verify.
Secondly, like you said, where do you draw the line. Who's routes do we add and 
who's not? 

For example, Natuurpunt and some of the local tourism offices already have 
'virtual' hikes, where they only suggest which node numbers to combine. On the 
ground, nothing is marked. I don't think this should be in OSM.

If I get this correctly, 'Randonnées en Boucle' (SGR) are hikes made out of 
parts of existing GR trails? I wouldn't add that. The possibilities are just 

On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 19:57:59 +0000 (UTC), Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be 
<talk-be@openstreetmap.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a guideline or rule that only waymarked hiking/cycle/... routes 
> should be added to OSM. Not everyone agrees and there are some non-waymarked 
> routes in OSM because nobody, not even me, dares to remove them.
> Anyway, that rule/guideline is getting in trouble because some official 
> routes are not waymarked anymore.
> Provincie Vlaams-Brabant enlarged the 'wandelnetwerk Getevallei', but the new 
> nodes and routes are not waymarked anymore (too expensive). But there is a 
> map, a website and an app. [1]
> The municipality of Profondeville has the project '1000 bornes' (40 parcours 
> pour vélos de route et VTT): only gps-tracks on route-you. [2]
> More will probably follow (or perhaps already exist).
> So, what do we do? Or where do we draw the line? Because the line between 
> what can be considered as official routes or not, could (in the future) 
> become very thin. Or what do we do with the 'Randonnées en Boucle' (SGR)? 
> What if Natuurpunt/Natagora starts with 'virtual' walking routes?
> What is your opinion?
> Regards,
> StijnRR
> P.S. The new map of 'wandelnetwerk De Merode' has OSM as background layer. 
> Thanks to everyone who contributed.
> [1] https://www.toerismevlaamsbrabant.be/pagina/werken-wandelnetwerken/
> [2] https://www.profondeville.be/loisirs/sport/1000bornes
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