On 04/01/2021 10.10, Lionel Giard wrote:

Just to clarify : the article is speaking of the *"french IGN" *here, not the belgian counterpart. AFAIK, the license in Belgium doesn't change and it is still closed data that we can't use at all. And as regional data is open in all regions (normal PICC too is usable as we started to look for missing roads using it), i don't see much use anyway - except for some niche cases where it would be relevant. :p
You're right.
It's just like the French jurists or other people who don't realize that they speak worldwide and that they must say that they speak of the French law or other things. We may answer the request "Signaler une erreur dans le texte <https://www.numerama.com/tech/679565-ca-y-est-les-donnees-publiques-de-lign-sont-libres-et-gratuites.html?&show_reader_reports>" to say that it must be read several times to notice "le relief français".

All the best,


Best regards,

Le dim. 3 janv. 2021 à 22:53, André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>> a écrit :

    On 03/01/2021 15.27, François Piette wrote:

    Interesting !

    Do you know if there is (or will be) a tile server?


    francois.pie...@overbyte.be <mailto:francois.pie...@overbyte.be>

    The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare

    The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)


    *De :*Matthieu <matth...@gaillet.be> <mailto:matth...@gaillet.be>
    *Envoyé :* dimanche 3 janvier 2021 14:00
    *À :* OpenStreetMap Belgium <talk-be@openstreetmap.org>
    *Objet :* [OSM-talk-be] Du côté de la France...

    All IGN maps goes open data.


    I hope someone will add the servers to the JOSM free servers list.
    Because I won't start again a new fight to prove the obvious
    permission like I did for the PICC and for the cadastre.

    The JOSM configuration for their Cartoweb (OVERLAY) is

      * WMS:
      * WMTS: https://www.ngi.be/cartoweb/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml

    Anything against WMS/WMTS François?

    Envoyé de mon immobile Thunderbird, et sans virus non plus grâce à
    seulement Ubuntu,

    All the best,


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