
Mañana Sábado y el Domingo desde las 6:00 a 18:30 podremos ver vía
stream live las sesiones del «State of the Map 2020», el enlace:


Igual los vídeos estarán publicados para después verlos. El programa
está publicado y hay un montón de charlas con su pad :) (recordar
cambiar el timezone):


Yo personalmente estoy interesado en:

* 06:20 → Winds of Change in OpenStreetMap
* 09:00 → Lightning Talks I
* 11:45 → Buildings are the new Streets
* 13:15 → There might have been a misunderstanding...
* 17:30 → Building Stronger Communities Together - the Local Chapters
& Community Working Group
* 18:15 → Meet an OpenStreetMapper

* 11:00 → How to publish a multi-modal journey app based on OSM with Trufi App
* 16:00 → Pedestrians First

El sábado en la tarde me reuniré con un mapeador de La Paz, vía
videoconferencia para identificar lugares a mejorar y ver cómo mapear
"lugares de destino" o "mapear carteles o señalización de calles", si
alguien quiere participar me dice para pasar el enlace :)


Marco Antonio

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Christine Karch <christ...@hermione.de>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 at 14:12
Subject: [OSM-talk] Panels, workshops, lightning talks and more at SotM
To: <osmf-t...@openstreetmap.org>, Talk Openstreetmap <t...@openstreetmap.org>

Hi all,

as most of you likely already know, SotM 2020 [1] will be a virtual
conference [2]. Nevertheless, in addition to regular talks, there will
also be lightning talks and self organised sessions. Of course, the
format of those will be quite a bit different:

 * Lightning talks: As usual, those will be short ~5 minute talks.
However, these talks have to be pre-recorded and uploaded before 28 June
2020. You can find more information about this and the registration for
lightning talks on the OSM wiki [3]. We're also providing a short
tutorial about the production of such pre-recorded talks [4] that is
based on OBS Studio [5].

 * Self organised sessions: These will be done as audio or video
conferences - which many of you are probably quite used to by now. More
information can also be found on the OSM wiki [6] where we have also
prepared a howto for these sessions [7].

   If you happen to run a Jitsi, BigBlueButton or Mumble instance that
could be used to run these sessions during the SotM conference, please
add it to the list of public servers [8]. Thanks!

We're very much looking forward to your lightning talk and self
organised session submissions for the virtual SotM 2020 :)!


[1] https://2020.stateofthemap.org/
[5] https://obsproject.com/

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