Fala galera,

esse camarada criou um bot para publicar os changesets de uma
determinada área no twitter. Já pedi para ele criar o


com a bbox da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Se vocês
quiserem bots de outras regiões, mandem um email para ele (ou para mim
e eu repasso).


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Klink <o...@alech.de>
Date: 2009/8/20
Subject: [OSM-talk] Twitter bots
To: t...@openstreetmap.org

Hi everyone,

This weekend, I hacked together a quick twitter bot,
which now tweets all changesets in a certain are (in
my case, Darmstadt, Germany) - see http://twitter.com/osm_darmstadt

I've found it quite useful thus far, on the one hand I write
better changeset comments, because I know they will be on
Twitter, on the other hand, I see what happens in my community.

If you want to run a similar bot, you can find the source
at http://git.alech.de/?p=osm_twitter_bots.git

Alternatively, I can add a bit of code to run more than
one bot at a time and run a few of them for you (until I
hit the Twitter API limits), I'd only need a name and a
bounding box for that.


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talk mailing list

Arlindo Saraiva Pereira Jr.

Bacharelando em Sistemas de Informação - UNIRIO - uniriotec.br
Consultor de Software Livre da Uniriotec Consultoria - uniriotec.com

Acadêmico: arlindo.pere...@uniriotec.br
Profissional: arlindo.pere...@uniriotec.com
Geral: cont...@arlindopereira.com
Tel.: +5521 92504072
Jabber/Google Talk: nig...@nighto.net
Skype: nighto_sumomo
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