Semana passada eu questionei os dados do IBGE e até sugeri que fosse
Hoje um colega nosso do OSM enviou essa mensagem

"Hi Alexandre,
I can of course do that. As I made many large GPS tracks last week in the
"interior", I'll add some more stuff. You can also write me in Portuguese, I
do understand it very well, but prefer to write in English.

By the way, I have some problems in identifying a track that lead us to
Pedra da Boca. I thought it was on a PB road, but my track is quite far away
from the PB road that is already in OSM. Maybe you have an idea about the
PB's that are already there."

Resumindo, os dados do IBGE atrapalham mais do que ajudam.

Alexandre P. Lima

Doutor em Ciências Ocultas, Filosofia Dramática, *Pediatria
Charlatânica*, *Biologia
Dogmática* e Astrologia Eletrônica.
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