I don't know if there is someone remapping but if I can be of any
assistance, let me know. How can this remapping be done? I mean,
corrections can be made in the map or a new work in the field are required?

Em 20 de abril de 2012 12:18, Ian Villeda <vill...@mapbox.com> escreveu:

> Ola pessoal,
> We've noticed that several labels and many streets look like they may be
> lost to the license change:
> http://cleanmap.poole.ch/?zoom=12&lat=-15.82927&lon=-47.90864&layers=00B
> We have some local knowledge and will be able to name places like and
> trace roads from Bing
> - cruzeiro velho
> - cruzeiro novo
>  - asa sul
> - eixo rodovĂ­ario sul
>  - ceilandia
> Does anyone know if there are any remapping efforts already underway here?
> Who should we talk to about this?
> Ian Villeda
> vill...@mapbox.com
> https://twitter.com/#!/ian_villeda
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