On Thu, 1 Jan 2009, James Ewen wrote:

> Can you slice the GML file up into chunks? We could manually start the
> import process by manually defining areas where we want to start
> importing data. Areas chosen by users with little or no existing data.

The geobase2osm.py script lets you pass a bounds file (with the -b option). 
This will only include roads that pass through the bounds specified in the 
file.  So you can take the full provincial GML files but only generate .osm 
files for smaller chunks.

As Jason mentions in his other post, adjoining chunks will have duplicate 
ways.  I don't think it will be that difficult to eliminate these 
duplicates though.  We just need a script that searches for two OSM ways 
with the same geobase_nid that occupy the same space, and delete one of them 
+ merge in any adjoining ways.

> James


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