On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 6:59 AM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> I've adjusted the boundary=admin rendering on my tile server to make
> more sense for North America.  Rendering the state / provincial borders
> at zoom 1 & 2 might be overdoing it, but at zoom 3 looks reasonable.  It
> does point out a potential shortcoming in the boundary data though.
> Borders for Vermont and New York appear "bolder" than for Minnesota and
> Illinois.  Have they been tagged differently, or duplicated?  Anyone
> have a border-checker script?

They weren't duplicated.  Ian (I believe?) imported the borders for
the New England and Mid-Atlantic states and I imported the rest.

Looking at my saved .osm files from the state boundary import,it looks
like they are tagged:
admin_level = 4
border_type = state
boundary = administrative
state:left = foo
state:right = bar



> See it here for part of North East. http://weait.com/maps very slow
> server/connection.
> Best regards,
> Richard
> P.S. My boundary hack.
>    <Rule>
>      <Filter>[admin_level]='4'</Filter>
>      <MaxScaleDenominator>500000000</MaxScaleDenominator>
>      <LineSymbolizer>
>        <CssParameter name="stroke">purple</CssParameter>
>        <CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>
>        <!--CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">4,3</CssParameter-->
>        <CssParameter name="stroke-opacity">0.2</CssParameter>
>      </LineSymbolizer>
>    </Rule>
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