> if you can put the list of features along with the corrisponding OSM
> tag to a wiki page, this would be helpful :)
> (then i can help match features & cross-check to what i have)

Unfortunately, in the case of my import for USGS Geonames items, they
don't have specific feature categories.  I'm doing subjective
classification based on the names.  In the source data, they are just
classified as "building".  So to be more specific about what I am doing, I
will take a building named "Oregon State Police" and tag it with
"amenity=police".  Unless it is named "Oregon State Police Administration
Building", in which case I will tag it with "amenity=public_building".  So
since I am not mapping discrete values, I don't think my list would be any
more useful on a wiki page than the exising Map_Features page.

FYI, although I'm calling this an import, mine is a semi-automated manual
process.  I'm doing this in a text editor on a file with one POI per line.
 I put in a value on each line for which tag I think it should have, which
as I said is a manual guessing process.  Lots of editor search-and-replace
type stuff.  I do have a little program to turn the text file into an osm
xml file, but other than that, it is not really automated.  I load the XML
file into JOSM, validate, and upload from there.

> i'm opting NOT to use the tag "geobase:reviewed=no"

Your reasoning sounds good.  I'm adding it to my load, because my tags are
so subjective.  I don't think the main USGS Geonames import needed it. 
Your plan should be fine, in my opinion.

- Alan

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