On Tue, 2009-03-31 at 10:00 -0600, James Ewen wrote:
> The end result, is that I would concur that the GeoBase borders are
> much closer to the real world location than the manually input border,
> or the USGS imports.
> So, now we need to clean up the erroneous data.
> The county outlines in the US are circular ways, the GeoBase ways are
> not.Will it affect rendering by cutting up the US county circular
> ways, and making them part of a combined way? Can I cut the GeoBase
> ways at the Alberta, BC and US confluence, and then add in a bunch
> more tags to the common borders? Can we tag the same way as a
> border_type: state, and also border_type:international, then do
> state:left, province:right, county:left, county:right, etc?

I think relations are the way to go.  
Tag the way with the source, uuid and attribution. 
Split the way at each prov/state/county/regional municipality junction.
Add tags only at highest level relation for say, name, place,
population, ...
Include the way in Canada relation - boundary=admin, admin_level=2
Include the way in USA relation - boundary=admin, admin_level=2
Include the way in state/prov/muni/county relations as appropriate.

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