On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Sam Vekemans wrote:

> "addr:alternatenumber "
> house number
> If a object has two numbers. Better use "addr:housenumber=<first>;<second>"
> ***
> So the line can show a long stretch from <second> where it would be
> the 'last'?  Would this work?

Drawing a long straight line from the first to last end points would 
probably work fine for address interpolation type applications (if the 
application projects the point onto the road) but it you wouldn't want the 
renderer to draw that line, for a curved road it would look really bad.

> And for the off-set, ill leave that for the expert. ... since the
> canvec2osm (using simple java) script is not really 'automatated'.
> .the geobase2osm (using python) script is.

If we want to use a Karlsruhe scheme then this will need a script similar to 
what the ump2osm  is doing, I think we are best waiting till someone 
can do that with offsets and relations to the road (the complexity of the 
script will probably be comparable to the ump2osm script).

If we want to attach the tags directly to the road nodes themselves then you 
would need a script that get add these tags to existing nodes (doable, but 
neither canvec2osm or geobase2osm alter existing nodes/ways)

> So I think best option is still the same, keep the streetnames.osm
> files in the canvec2osm script (but as a reference, & not to be
> imported), and let the geobase2osm script deal with it.. So hopefully
> we can help out SteveS with the scripting as much as we can.

One concern I have with including data you don't intend to import is that 
people might spend time reviewing it along with the other data you want to 
import not realizing that some of it needs review but other parts are just 
for reference.

> Thanks
> Sam Vekemans
> Across Canada Trails


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