On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Sam
Vekemans<acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> im planning on hosting a series of mapping parties, for everyone in
> the 092 - Vancouver island lower mainland region.
> -during the last week of june.
> Im thinking that there is no better way to celebrate Canada Day, than
> to launch the virtual rocket called canvec2osm.
> A slow and steady import, with a colaborative effort, where all
> participating  mappers will all be aware of what others are doing at
> the same time :)
> What day is best for everyone?
> I have 4 days available (monday to thursday, so i can get to Nanaimo
> to meet if people cant get to the mainland, perhaps on the tuesday.
> and maybe on the monday Victoria.
> It would be great to get people from all over the region together at
> the same time.
> I think meeting in Vancouver, at the Central library would be best, as
> i think it has wifi.
> From there, someone who knows the area well can recommend the best pub
> for after.
> It would be great to cover everything from newbie mapping to the finer
> technical details of the CanVec import.
> But mainly how to map trails of all uses, so people can get started right 
> away.
> I Look forward to hearing from everyone real soon.

Sam thanks for organizing this. I can be in Vancouver on the 29th or
30th, so if that works, that would be great.


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