Hi Steve,

I now live in Nova Scotia, I'm a geomatics guy, I'd love to help with 
this NRN-NS import, but I'm a rookie as the OSM thing (but I want to 
learn!).  Are you going to yield to a hardened OSM veteran, or is there 
room for a rookie like me to help?  Let me know.


Jeff McKenna
Director, Gateway Geomatics

Steve Singer wrote:
> I NRN roads covering all of Ontario have now been imported.  It is possible 
> that I missed a few areas (if so let me know). I will soon run a script 
> connect intersections in adjacent tiles. The wiki has links to  .osm files 
> containing the excluded and complete roads are available at links on the 
> wiki.
> I'm thinking about doing Nova Scotia or Newfoundland next.  If anyone local 
> wanted to do either of these let me know and I'll yield to you.
> Steve

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