Richard Weait wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Frank Steggink<> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Because it is not obvious to everyone what the extent of the NTS sheets
>> is, I've created a little service which converts them to lat/lon
>> coordinates. It is also possible to show them directly as a box in
>> OpenStreetMap. I'm not sure if a similar service exists (probably NRCan
>> has one), but this might also be useful for the Geobase import.
> Very nice Frank,
> Thank you for this.  Are you considering something like this for the extents?

What do you mean exactly? Combining the marker or the box? Or linking to 
the OSM box from this page, 
<>? I was at least 
considering the latter (also for the other links, like KML and Google 
Map), but not tonight anymore :)


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