Hi Sam,

Thanks for responding. The issue here is not that there is a lot of 
data. This tile is pretty quiet. There were only 4500 elements (3620 
nodes and 880 ways).

The problem is that I don't know what to do with the data contributed to 
the new user. It looks to be incorrect to me, although I'll have to 
verify that one way or another. Before I'm going to do anything about 
that, I'll await his response.

B.t.w. my corrections are done. :)


Sam Vekemans wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> thanks for sharing :-)
> This isn't the 1st time it happened, nor will it be the last....
> (we'll make a nice FAQ sheet later)
> First off, are you using bulk_import? And trying to get road matcher
> to find roads? (roadmatcher is nice BUT only for a quiet area)
> I would recommend this;
> step 1: Create a complete .osm file for ALL the roads in your tile area.
> 2 - upload this big file to mediafire and have a link available.
> 3 -use JOSM and open that big .osm file
> 4 - download the latest data for the  small area (as a new layer)
> 5 manually copy the roads that you want and delete the roads that are wrong.
> 5 hide the big_roads.osm file and upload the changes.
> However, give a couple days for the user to respond, i'll message the
> user and give access to the chart. (you also have ability to invite
> people to edit BTW)
> So once this new user has access to it, i'd recommend a mapping party
> and invite others. Then you all can get the whole tile copied, in 1
> session.
> btw, on sunday i'll attempt to launch a uStream.tv broadcast, where
> there is an option todo an 'on-screen demo' of what i talked about
> above. (it will be recorded and posted with link)
> cheers,
> Sam
> On 9/11/09, Frank Steggink <stegg...@steggink.org> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I just _knew_ it would happen. As soon as I would start the Geobase
>> import, some user would step up, and start adding data to the areas I'm
>> about to import. And this is exactly what happened. To my surprise I
>> discovered a whole lot of data southeast of Quebec City, in the
>> Chaudière-Appalaches region: [1]. These are the NTS tiles 021L09, 10,
>> 15, and 16.
>> At first I was happy that there was some considerable activity in the
>> Quebec region, other than my own. After examining the data, it comes
>> from a user (Robert66) who has only joined us on Monday. Unfortunately
>> this shines through his data as well: most of his roads are not
>> connected, so that would involve a lot of cleanup. Apparently he had a
>> blast this week: many small towns and villages were added. The data even
>> has street names! See for example Montmagny: [2]. So, I've contacted him
>> yesterday, in order to ask for more information. I haven't received a
>> reply yet, but one day isn't that much.
>> Because this area was on my todo list, I decided to continue with my
>> import. Tile 021L10 ([3]) is on tonight's program. After the data was
>> loaded, I noticed a concentration of roads in St. Damien [4], which I
>> didn't see yesterday. Apparently Robert66 was busy adding it today, see
>> changeset 2451637. When zooming in, I noticed that, while the data
>> looked topologically correct (apart from the fact that the roads aren't
>> connected), many roads are displaced, up to 150 m, compared to the
>> Geobase data. See [5], screenshot of OpenJump. Brown=OSM, green=Geobase.
>> I know that Geobase isn't the most accurate dataset, but in the area I
>> have imported data, it generally matched my roads reasonably well. The
>> differences are up to 30 meters, although there are some exceptions. An
>> example is the main road in the St. Damien screenshot, going from SW to
>> NE. It was originally added by me, nearly a year ago: [6], as well as a
>> few residential roads.
>> What I would like to know is: does anyone of you have a reasonable
>> explanation as to how Robert66 has added his data? He has used Potlatch,
>> and for that area there are no detailed Yahoo images. There is only one
>> GPS trace of the main road. (It isn't mine: I'm using them only as a
>> backdrop in JOSM.) I really hope he hasn't drawn the roads from memory,
>> or some sketches, without the help of any GPS. Although I have traced
>> only a few roads in St. Damien, I find it pretty odd that the roads I
>> added myself are matching Geobase well, but the roads added by Robert66,
>> are off up to 150 m!
>> My hands are actually itching to override his data, and only reuse the
>> names, but that isn't really in the spirit of the import. I also don't
>> think that would be wise, because there is no clarity about how he got
>> the data. I think I'll go visit St. Damien this weekend, and do my own
>> survey. If I find out that Robert66's additions are indeed way off as
>> the OpenJump screenshot implies, then I'll probably replace his roads.
>> I'll wait for an answer from him first. Maybe he can use a bit of
>> education :)
>> As for my import, when I was writing this e-mail, I've uploaded the data
>> from the standalone file, with bridges copied over, and some small
>> corrections. See changeset 2452632. I've left out the residential roads
>> in St. Damien. (Sam: there is even a note in your spreadsheet :) ) I'll
>> cleanup the data, except for the St. Damien area. I'll follow a similar
>> procedure for the rest of this entire area. Depending on the answer
>> Robert66 can give me, I'll either leave his data in place, or add more
>> Geobase roads, or eventually I'll survey those towns myself (which will
>> be a lot of work).
>> So, what do you think? Do you have any additional suggestions as how to
>> handle this situation?
>> Regards,
>> Frank
>> [1]
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/index.html?minlat=46.5&minlon=-71&maxlat=47&maxlon=-70&box=yes&layers=B000FTF
>> [2] http://osm.org/go/cKbzIEER--
>> [3]
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/index.html?mlat=46.625&mlon=-70.75&minlat=46.5&minlon=-71&maxlat=46.75&maxlon=-70.5&box=yes&layers=B000FTF
>> [4] http://osm.org/go/cKawVZPY--
>> [5] http://www.steggink.org/temp/St_Damien_QC.png
>> [6] http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/27080076/history
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